Heinrich Georg Barkhausen
Barkhausen, Heinrich Georg
Born Dec. 2,1881, in Bremen; died Feb. 20,1956, in Dresden. German scientist in the field of electronic physics and electrical engineering. Member of the German (1949) and Saxony academies of sciences. From 1911a professor at the Higher Technical School in Dresden and director of the Dresden Electrical Engineering Institute of Weak Currents.
In 1919, Barkhausen first observed the phenomenon called the Barkhausen effect. In the same year Barkhausen and K. Kurz discovered the generation of centimeter waves in triodes with the voltage at the grid much greater than at the anode. Barkhausen was awarded the Heinrich Hertz medal in 1928 and the national prize of the German Democratic Republic in 1949.
In Russian translation:Elektronnye lampy, vols. 1–3. Moscow, 1934–38.
Vvedenie v uchenie o kolebaniiakh. Moscow-Leningrad, 1934.