Heinrich Von Srbik
Srbik, Heinrich Von
Born Nov. 10, 1878, in Vienna; died Feb. 16,1951, in Ehrwald, Tirol. Austrian historian.
From 1912 to 1922, Srbik was a professor at the University of Graz, and from 1922 to 1945, at the University of Vienna. He was associated with pan-Germanic circles and later with the Nazis. In 1929 and 1930, Srbik was minister of education. In 1938 he welcomed the Anschluss. In that year, the fascists appointed him president of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, a position he held until 1945, and rector of the University of Vienna.
Srbik’s works, which deal primarily with the Holy Roman Empire and the Austrian monarchy of the 17th to 19th centuries, seek to establish the necessity for a pan-German Reich, which would include all of Central Europe. Srbik’s works also glorify the policies of Metternich.