anesthesia dolorosa

an·es·the·si·a do·lo·ro·sa

severe spontaneous pain occurring in an anesthetic area. Synonym(s): painful anesthesia

an·es·the·si·a do·lo·ro·sa

(an'es-thē'zē-ă dō-lō-rō'să) Severe spontaneous pain occurring in an anesthetized area.
Synonym(s): anaesthesia dolorosa.

anesthesia dolorosa

1. Pain or reduced sensation limited to either the occipital nerve or a branch of the trigeminal nerve.2. Pain in an anesthetized zone, as in thalamic lesions.See also: anesthesia

an·es·the·si·a do·lo·ro·sa

(an'es-thē'zē-ă dō-lō-rō'să) Severe spontaneous pain occurring in an anesthetic area; paradoxic result may occur in cases of neuropathy.
Synonym(s): painful anesthesia, anaesthesia dolorosa.