

单词 ice age

ice age

ice age

n.1. A cold period marked by extensive glaciation.2. Ice Age The most recent glacial period, which occurred during the Pleistocene Epoch.

ice age

n (Geological Science) another name for glacial period

ice′ age`

n. 1. (often caps.) the geologically recent Pleistocene Epoch, during which much of the Northern Hemisphere was covered by great ice sheets. 2. any one of the Permian, Carboniferous, Cambrian, or Precambrian glaciations. [1870–75]

ice age

1. Any of several cold periods during which glaciers covered much of the Earth.2. Ice Age The most recent glacial period, which occurred during the Pleistocene Epoch and ended about 10,000 years ago. During the Pleistocene Ice Age, great sheets of ice up to two miles thick covered most of Greenland, Canada, and the northern United States as well as northern Europe and Russia.

Ice Age

1. A period during which glaciers advanced to cover large parts of the earth’s surface, the most recent occurring over 11,000 years ago.2. A time when ice sheets covered much of the Earth. The present Ice Age is only one of several ice ages.
Noun1.Ice Age - any period of time during which glaciers covered a large part of the earth's surfaceice age - any period of time during which glaciers covered a large part of the earth's surface; "the most recent ice age was during the Pleistocene"glacial epoch, glacial periodgeological period, period - a unit of geological time during which a system of rocks formed; "ganoid fishes swarmed during the earlier geological periods"prehistoric culture, prehistory - the time during the development of human culture before the appearance of the written word


(ais) noun1. frozen water. The pond is covered with ice.2. an ice-cream. chocolate ice-cream. Three ices, please. 冰淇淋 冰淇淋3. (American) a fruit-flavoured frozen dessert usually made without milk and cream. lemon ice(s). (美國)水果冰 冰冻甜食(果味的) verb to cover with icing. She iced the cake. 塗上糖霜 (在糕饼上)涂糖霜 ˈicing noun a mixture of sugar, white of egg, water etc used to cover or decorate cakes. 糖霜 (糕饼表层的)糖霜 ˈicy adjective1. very cold. icy winds. 冰冷的 冰冷的2. covered with ice. icy roads. 被冰覆蓋的 被冰覆盖的3. unfriendly. an icy tone of voice. 冷冰冰的 冷冰冰的ˈicily adverb 冰冷地,冷冰冰地 冰冷地ˈiciness noun 冰冷,冷冰冰 冰冷ice age a time when a great part of the earth's surface was covered with ice. 冰河時期 冰河时代,冰期 ice axe a type of axe used by mountain climbers to cut holds in ice for their hands and feet. 破冰斧 破冰斧ˈiceberg noun a huge mass of ice floating in the sea. 冰山 冰山ice box (American) a refrigerator. 冰箱 冰箱ˌice-ˈcream noun cream or a mixture of creamy substances, flavoured and frozen. chocolate ice-cream. 冰淇淋 冰淇淋ˈice-cube noun a small cube of ice used for cooling drinks etc. 冰塊 冰块ice rink a large room or building with a floor of ice for skating. 溜冰場 溜冰场,滑冰场 ice-skate verb to skate on ice. 溜冰 溜冰ice-skating noun 溜冰 溜冰ice tray a metal or plastic tray for making ice-cubes in a refrigerator. 製冰盤 冰盘ice over/up to become covered with ice. The pond iced over during the night; The windows have iced up. 被冰覆蓋 被冰覆盖

Ice Age

Ice Age:

see Pleistocene epochPleistocene epoch
, 6th epoch of the Cenozoic era of geologic time (see Geologic Timescale, table). According to a classification that considered its deposits to have been formed by the biblical great flood, the epoch was originally called the Quaternary.
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Ice Age


a relatively long stage in the geological history of the earth during which, against the background of a general relative cooling of the climate, there was repeated alternation of very cold intervals of time (glacials), when extensive continental glaciation occurred, and intervals of time with a warmer climate (interglacials), when a significant part of the continental ice melted. Ice ages have been established in the Lower Proterozoic in North America; in the Upper Riphean in Africa and Australia; in the Wend in Europe, Asia, and North America; in the Ordovician of Africa; and at the end of the Carboniferous and the beginning of the Permian on the continent of Gondwana. The ice age of the Pleistocene has been studied most.

ice age

[′īs ‚āj] (geology) A major interval of geologic time during which extensive ice sheets (continental glaciers) formed over many parts of the world.

Ice Age

[′īs ‚āj] (geology) Pleistocene
MedicalSeePleistocene epochLegalSeeICE

ice age

  • noun

Synonyms for ice age

noun any period of time during which glaciers covered a large part of the earth's surface


  • glacial epoch
  • glacial period

Related Words

  • geological period
  • period
  • prehistoric culture
  • prehistory




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