Hair, Curly

Hair, Curly



  1. A circlet of crisp curly gray hair like a laurel wreath —Marge Piercy
  2. Curled their hair so tightly that their heads looked like bunches of black grapes —Angela Carter
  3. (Her gold) curls hang like lazy springs —Ira Wood
  4. Curls like those of a young hyacinth —Edgar Allen Poe
  5. Curls of yellow hair like pine shavings —Peter De Vries
  6. (His dark) curls were flat, plastered over his head like a wet beret —Joan Hess
  7. Curly, scented, black, stiff hair, like cock feathers —Janet Flanner
  8. Hair … as tightly curled as a poodle’s —Margaret Millar

    A popular comparison with variations including the simplified as in “Hair … curly as a poodle,” and extensions like “Hair curled like a gilded poodle’s.” (T. Coraghessan Boyle’s Water Music.)

  9. Hair curled as rings of iron wire —Aharon Megged
  10. Hair … curled like the fruit on the trees —Dame Edith Sitwell
  11. Hair … curly as moss —Marge Piercy
  12. Hair … curly as the wool on a ram —George Garrett
  13. Hair that curled naturally like very young leaves —Mollie Hardwick
  14. Hair that sprang into ringlets like gold coins —Paige Mitchell
  15. It [hair] covered either side of her thin face in curly muffs, like a poodle’s ears —Jonathan Valin
  16. Soft gray hair curled out of his skull like smoke —Miles Gibson
  17. Towers of hair, curled like Indian temples —Joyce Cary