Hair, Curly
Hair, Curly
- A circlet of crisp curly gray hair like a laurel wreath —Marge Piercy
- Curled their hair so tightly that their heads looked like bunches of black grapes —Angela Carter
- (Her gold) curls hang like lazy springs —Ira Wood
- Curls like those of a young hyacinth —Edgar Allen Poe
- Curls of yellow hair like pine shavings —Peter De Vries
- (His dark) curls were flat, plastered over his head like a wet beret —Joan Hess
- Curly, scented, black, stiff hair, like cock feathers —Janet Flanner
- Hair … as tightly curled as a poodle’s —Margaret Millar
A popular comparison with variations including the simplified as in “Hair … curly as a poodle,” and extensions like “Hair curled like a gilded poodle’s.” (T. Coraghessan Boyle’s Water Music.)
- Hair curled as rings of iron wire —Aharon Megged
- Hair … curled like the fruit on the trees —Dame Edith Sitwell
- Hair … curly as moss —Marge Piercy
- Hair … curly as the wool on a ram —George Garrett
- Hair that curled naturally like very young leaves —Mollie Hardwick
- Hair that sprang into ringlets like gold coins —Paige Mitchell
- It [hair] covered either side of her thin face in curly muffs, like a poodle’s ears —Jonathan Valin
- Soft gray hair curled out of his skull like smoke —Miles Gibson
- Towers of hair, curled like Indian temples —Joyce Cary