

单词 haircut



H0014400 (hâr′kŭt′)n.1. The act or an instance of cutting the hair.2. A style in which hair is cut.3. Slang A reduction, as in payment or value: "No one gets exactly what he wants from Chapter 11—creditors get a haircut, employees get laid off, and shareholders (usually) get zilch" (New Yorker).
hair′cut′ter n.hair′cut′ting adj. & n.


(ˈhɛəˌkʌt) n1. (Hairdressing & Grooming) the act or an instance of cutting the hair2. (Hairdressing & Grooming) the style in which hair has been cut3. stock exchange slang a percentage of the value of an asset deducted to account for a possible fall in its value before it can be liquidated



n. 1. an act or instance of cutting the hair. 2. the style in which the hair is cut and worn. [1895–1900] hair′cut`ter, n. hair′cut`ting, n., adj.
Noun1.haircut - the style in which hair has been cuthaircut - the style in which hair has been cutcoif, coiffure, hair style, hairdo, hairstyle - the arrangement of the hair (especially a woman's hair)brush cut - a short haircut with hairs standing up like a brushcrew cut, flattop - a closely cropped haircut; usually for menmohawk haircut, mohawk - haircut in which the head is shaved except for a band of hair down the middle of the scalp
2.haircut - the act of cutting the haircutting off, cutting, cut - the act of shortening something by chopping off the ends; "the barber gave him a good cut"


(heə) noun1. one of the mass of thread-like objects that grow from the skin. He brushed the dog's hairs off his jacket. 毛髮 毛发2. the mass of these, especially on a person's head. He's got brown hair. 頭髮 头发-haired having (a certain kind of) hair. a fair-haired girl. 有...頭髮的 长着...头发的ˈhairy adjective covered in hair or having a lot of hair. a hairy chest. 多毛的 多毛的ˈhairiness noun 多毛 多毛ˈhair('s)-breadth noun a very small distance. That knife missed me by a hair's-breadth. 一髮之差 极短的距离ˈhairbrush noun a brush for arranging and smoothing the hair. 毛刷,髮刷 发刷ˈhaircut noun the act or style of cutting a person's hair. Go and get a haircut. 剪髮,髮型 理发,发式 ˈhair-doplurals ˈhair-dos, ~ˈhair-do's noun a hairstyle. I like her new hair-do. 髮型 头发式样ˈhairdresser noun a person who cuts, washes, styles etc a person's hair. 美髮師 理发师ˈhairdressing noun 美髮 理发ˈhair-drier noun an electrical apparatus for drying hair by blowing hot air over it. 吹風機 吹风器ˈhairline noun the line along the forehead where the hair begins to grow. 前額髮線 头发轮廓线,发际线 ˈhair-oil noun a scented, oily lotion for smoothing down the hair. 髮油 发油ˈhairpin noun a bent wire for keeping a woman's hair in place. 髮夾 发夹 adjective (of a bend in a road) sharp and U-shaped, especially on a mountain or a hill. (山路)U形彎路 U字型转弯 ˈhair-raising adjective terrifying. hair-raising stories. 令人毛骨悚然的 使人毛发直竖的,恐怖的 ˈhairstyle noun the result of cutting, styling etc a person's hair. a simple hairstyle. 髮型 发型keep one's hair on to remain calm and not become angry. 保持冷靜,不發脾氣 保持冷静,不发脾气 let one's hair down to behave in a free and relaxed manner. 輕鬆不拘束 不拘礼节make (someone's) hair stand on end to terrify (a person). 令人毛骨悚然 使(某人)毛骨悚然 (not to) turn a hair to remain calm. He put his finger in the flame without turning a hair. 不動聲色 不动声色split hairs to worry about unimportant details. 吹毛求疵 作无谓的细微分析tear one's hair to show great irritation or despair. 感到惱怒或絕望 表示极度恼火或绝望





The margin or difference between the actual market value of a security and the value assessed by the lending side of a transaction.


1. The reduction of value to securities used as collateral in a margin loan. That is, when one places securities as collateral, the brokerage making the loan treats them as being worth less than they actually are, so as to give itself a cushion in case its market price decreases.

2. The bid-ask spread at which a market maker buys and sells securities. It is called a haircut because it is a thin spread.


A deduction in the market value of securities being held by brokerage and investment banking firms as part of net worth for calculating their net capital. The size of a haircut varies with the particular type of security held.


A haircut, in the financial industry, is a percentage discount that's applied informally to the market value of a stock or the face value of a bond in an attempt to account for the risk of loss that the investment poses.

So, for example, a stock with a market value of $30 may get a haircut of 20%, to $24, when an analyst or money manager tries to anticipate what is likely to happen to the price.

Similarly, when a broker-dealer calculates its net capital to meet the 15:1 ratio of debt to liquid capital permissible under Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules, it typically gives volatile securities in its portfolio a haircut to reduce the potential for being in violation.

The only securities that consistently escape a haircut are US government bonds because they are considered free of default risk.


  • noun

Words related to haircut

noun the style in which hair has been cut

Related Words

  • coif
  • coiffure
  • hair style
  • hairdo
  • hairstyle
  • brush cut
  • crew cut
  • flattop
  • mohawk haircut
  • mohawk

noun the act of cutting the hair

Related Words

  • cutting off
  • cutting
  • cut




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