Gridley stain for fungi

Grid·ley stain for fun·gi

(grid'lē), a method for fixed tissue sections based on Bauer chromic acid leucofuchsin stain with the addition of Gomori aldehyde fuchsin stain and metanil yellow as counterstains; against a yellow background, hyphae, conidia, yeast capsules, elastin, and mucin appear in different shades of blue to purple.

Grid·ley stain for fun·gi

(grid'lē stān fŭng'gī) A method for fixed tissue sections based on Bauer chromic acid leucofuchsin stain with the addition of Gomori aldehyde fuchsin stain and metanil yellow as counterstains; against a yellow background, hyphae, conidia, yeast capsules, elastin, and mucin appear in different shades of blue to purple.


Mary F., U.S. medical technologist, 1908-1954. Gridley stain - a silver staining method for reticulum.Gridley stain for fungi - a method for fixed tissue sections.