

单词 individualism



I0110300 (ĭn′də-vĭj′o͞o-ə-lĭz′əm)n.1. a. Belief in the primary importance of the individual and in the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence.b. Acts or an act based on this belief.2. a. A doctrine advocating freedom from government regulation in the pursuit of a person's economic goals.b. A doctrine holding that the interests of the individual should take precedence over the interests of the state or social group.3. a. The quality of being an individual; individuality.b. An individual characteristic; a quirk.


(ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəˌlɪzəm) n1. the action or principle of asserting one's independence and individuality; egoism2. an individual quirk or peculiarity3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) another word for laissez faire14. (Philosophy) philosophy the doctrine that only individual things exist and that therefore classes or properties have no reality. Compare Platonism, realism5


(ˌɪn dəˈvɪdʒ u əˌlɪz əm)

n. 1. a social theory advocating the liberty, rights, or independent action of the individual. 2. the principle or habit of independent thought or action. 3. the pursuit of individual rather than common or collective interests; egoism. 4. individual character; individuality. 5. an individual peculiarity. 6. Philos. a. the doctrine that only individual things are real. b. the doctrine or belief that all actions are determined by, or at least take place for, the benefit of the individual, not of society as a whole. [1825–35]


the practice of independence in thought and action on the premise that the development and expression of an individual character and personality are of the utmost importance. Cf. egoism. — individualist, n. — individualistic, adj.See also: Self
the practice of independence in thought and action on the premise that the development and expression of an individual character and personality are of the utmost importance. Cf. egoism. — individualist, n.individualistic, adj.See also: Attitudes
Noun1.individualism - the quality of being individual; "so absorbed by the movement that she lost all sense of individuality"individuality, individuationtrait - a distinguishing feature of your personal naturesingularity, uniqueness - the quality of being one of a kind; "that singularity distinguished him from all his companions"distinctiveness, specialness, specialty, peculiarity, speciality - a distinguishing trait
2.individualism - a belief in the importance of the individual and the virtue of self-reliance and personal independencebelief - any cognitive content held as truerugged individualism - individualism in social and economic affairs; belief not only in personal liberty and self-reliance but also in free competition
3.individualism - the doctrine that government should not interfere in commercial affairslaissez fairedoctrine, ism, philosophical system, philosophy, school of thought - a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school


noun independence, self-interest, originality, self-reliance, egoism, egocentricity, self-direction, freethinking He is stuck with what he calls the individualism of officers.


nounThe set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which an individual is recognizable:identity, individuality, selfhood.



1. another word for laissez faire2. Philosophy the doctrine that only individual things exist and that therefore classes or properties have no reality


a ramifying collection of philosophical, political, economic, and religious doctrines, underlying which is a recognition of the autonomy of the individual human being in social action and affairs. Epistemological individualism has sought to locate the foundations of knowledge in individual perceptions or APPERCEPTIONS or experience (see also EMPIRICISM). Historically, individualism has been an important element in opposing the powers of the STATE (see also CITIZEN RIGHTS) and in justifications of private PROPERTY and the free play of markets. Religious individualism, the doctrine that Man stands next to God and requires no intermediaries, is characteristic of PROTESTANTISM. In the social sciences, METHODOLOGICAL INDIVIDUALISM is the view that social phenomena can ultimately only be explained in terms of facts about individuals.

Critics of doctrinaire forms of individualism argue that these ideas tend to rest on an asocial conception of the individual person, including in some cases even a denial that 'S ociety’ exists. The polar opposite of individualism, conceptions of ‘structural determination’ (see STRUCTURALISM), are seen as equally problematic by many critics. In seeking to resolve a DUALISM of individual and society many sociologists have adopted theories which emphasize an interaction between individual and society (see STRUCTURE AND AGENCY). This need not undermine conceptions of individual agency and ‘moral responsibility’, e.g. the potency of human purposes ‘as causes’ and the capacity of moral persuasion and social sanctions to influence these (see also FREE WILL). Competing valuations of individual and social interests remain. However, these no longer depend on conceptions of the absolute autonomy of the individual (compare DECENTRED SELF). See also AUTONOMOUS MAN AND PLASTIC MAN.



a type of world view the essence of which is, in the last analysis, the assignment of an absolute value to the isolated individual as opposed to society, by which is meant not some particular social system but society in general. Individualism is expressed in real-life conduct, in moral behavior, as well as in abstract conceptions of various kinds—ethical, philosophical, ideological, and political. Individualist conceptions depict man as a primordially asocial or even antisocial being.

Individualism is not characteristic of primitive or archaic societies, where individuals are still so undeveloped and immature that they belong to their social milieu as dependent parts. In this case individuals have not yet developed even to the level of individualism (see K. Marx in K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 46, part 1, p. 18). Individualism arises and consolidates itself only in developed, antagonistic class formations; the grounds for it develop, on the one hand, as individuals acquire independence and, on the other, as cultural and historical forces acquire an alienated and impersonal form of existence in opposition to the immediate existence of individuals.

Relations under private-property systems, especially the bourgeois system, are of this sort, which Marx called “purely atomistic” (ibid., vol. 23, p. 103). These relations give rise to the point of view of the lone, isolated person and create the appearance of a primordial separation of the individual from any social whole, although the separation is, in fact, the result of a prolonged process of sociohistorical development. The fundamental contradiction of individualism consists in the fact that it presupposes the individualization of socially developed cultural riches in order for the individual to assert himself or herself, but at the same time it refuses to recognize the social origin, nature, and orientation of this very individualization.

Even the earliest conceptions of individualism arose as a result of the contradictions in cultural development in ancient society (the Cynics and the Cyrenaic school). The Renaissance was characterized by a cult of individuality that verged on individualism. The ideologists of the Enlightenment often took the abstract individual as their starting point. With the intensification of social atomization under developed bourgeois society sharper and more distinct individualist conceptions were formed. Thus, the Young Hegelian M. Stirner in his The Ego and His Own (Russian translation, 1906) proclaimed the renunciation by the self of everything not given as “mine” (see the criticism of Stirner by K. Marx and F. Engels, ibid., vol. 3). Since individualism places any logic in the social process outside the bounds of human essence, it makes an irrationalist interpretation of its viewpoint possible. This possibility has been most fully realized by existentialism. Under the conditions of monopoly capitalism two tendencies prevail: first, the crisis-stricken ideology of liberalism and individualism is being replaced by the ideology of anti-individualism, tied in with apologetics for the manipulation of people by bourgeois social institutions and with the favorable evaluation of the “organization man”; and second, the utilitarian attitude toward culture has grown stronger, with a retreat from broad social problems and struggle to mere consumerism. On the common ground of anarchistic and nihilistic ultraleftist “revolutionism,” rebellious individualism combines with an extremely primitive anti-individualism hostile to socialism and to the world communist movement (Maoism and gauchisme).

Marxism has explained the nature and historical role of individualism and shown the way for overcoming it. In criticizing individualism, Marxism does not counterpose to it impersonal social forms, detached from individuals, but rather an orientation toward the practical elimination of the social basis of individualism and the total assimilation by individuals of the complex and contradictory content of their social life. The full development of an independent individual can be realized only in association with a genuine collectivity and through it, consequently, only through the elimination of all “surrogate collectivities” (ibid., p. 75). In the struggle for communism, the free development of each individual is the condition for the free development of all (ibid., vol. 4, p. 447). This idea has been made a programmatic thesis of the Communist Party: “Everything for man.” Communist education and the entire ideological activity of the Communist Party are aimed at completely overcoming all survivals of individualism, such as acquisitiveness, arrogance, opposition to the collective, and egoism and at achieving an all-round, fully developed personality, dedicated to communist ideals, with a sense of deep responsibility, a morally concerned activism, and a creative attitude toward all aspects of social life.



See also Egotism.Beaumont, Nedgambler-detective solves murder case in unorthodox manner. [Am. Lit.: The Glass Key, Magill I, 307–308]Different DrummerThoreau’s eloquent prose poem on the inner freedom and individualistic character of man. [Am. Lit.: NCE, 2739]Longstocking, Pippieccentric young girl who sets her own standards. [Children’s Lit.: Pippi Longstocking]



the philosophy that individuals have their own unique set of wants and interests, and that they should be given free rein to pursue them. Those promoting this philosophy therefore advocate the removal of laws and regulations governing how people should behave. In the economic and business spheres, they argue, regulation stifles entrepreneurial creativity and inhibits responsiveness to market forces; if people can be freed from regulation they will become more highly motivated to succeed, whilst markets will be able to function more effectively, leading to benefits to society at large. They tend to be critical of TRADE UNIONS since they believe that unions elevate group over individual interests, and place restrictions on both their members' and managers' freedom to behave as they wish. Critics of this philosophy argue, however, that interests are in fact often shared (for example between groups of employees), that power resources are unequal and hence that collective action is therefore often necessary, and that unbridled pursuit of individual goals can damage the interests of others. See COLLECTIVISM, DEREGULATION.


  • noun

Synonyms for individualism

noun independence


  • independence
  • self-interest
  • originality
  • self-reliance
  • egoism
  • egocentricity
  • self-direction
  • freethinking

Synonyms for individualism

noun the set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which an individual is recognizable


  • identity
  • individuality
  • selfhood

Synonyms for individualism

noun the quality of being individual


  • individuality
  • individuation

Related Words

  • trait
  • singularity
  • uniqueness
  • distinctiveness
  • specialness
  • specialty
  • peculiarity
  • speciality

noun a belief in the importance of the individual and the virtue of self-reliance and personal independence

Related Words

  • belief
  • rugged individualism

noun the doctrine that government should not interfere in commercial affairs


  • laissez faire

Related Words

  • doctrine
  • ism
  • philosophical system
  • philosophy
  • school of thought




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