Hither Hills State Park

Hither Hills State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New York
Location:Sunrise Highway (Route 27) east from Manhattan (122 miles), in Montauk.
Facilities:168 campsites, showers, picnic areas, playground, playing fields, foodconcession, ocean beach, bridle paths, multi-use trails (é).
Activities:Camping, fishing, swimming, hiking, biking, horseback riding, hunting(big and small game, in season), recreation programs (é).
Special Features:The unique "walking dunes" of Napeague Harbor are located on the eastern boundary of the park.
Address:50 S Fairview Ave
Montauk, NY 11754

Web: www.nysparks.com/parks/info.asp?parkId=48
Size: 1,755 acres.

See other parks in New York.