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hystero-oophorectomy[¦his·tə·rō‚ō‚ō·fə′rek·tə·mē] (medicine) Surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries. hystero-oophorectomy
hys·ter·o-o·oph·o·rec·to·my (his'ter-ō-ō'of-ō-rek'tŏ-mē), Surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries. [hystero- + G. ōon, egg, + phoros, bearing, + ektomē, excision] hys·ter·o-o·oph·o·rec·to·my (his'tĕr-ō-ō-of'ŏr-ek'tŏ-mē) Surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries. [hystero- + G. ōon, egg, + phoros, bearing, + ektomē, excision]hystero-oophorectomy (hĭs″tĕr-ō-ō″ŏ-for-ĕk′tō-mē) [″ + oon, egg, + phoros, bearing, + ektome, excision] Removal of the uterus and of one or both ovaries. |