Grigorii Aleksandrovich Kozhevnikov
Kozhevnikov, Grigorii Aleksandrovich
Born Sept. 15 (27), 1866, in Kozlov, modern-day Michurinsk, Tambov Oblast; died Jan. 29, 1933, in Moscow. Soviet zoologist.
Kozhevnikov graduated from Moscow University in 1888. In 1904 he became a professor at the university and director of the university’s zoological museum. He organized the Kosino Biological Station near Moscow in 1908. His main works dealt with invertebrate zoology, particularly with the common honeybee and polymorphism in social insects. He discovered transitional forms between the queen and the worker bees. Kozhevnikov was the first in Russia and the USSR to initiate and organize the study of the biology of the mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles and of other insects that transmit diseases.