Hoveida, Amir Abbas

Hoveida, Amir Abbas

(ämēr` äb-bäs` hōvā`dä), 1919–79, Iranian political leader, prime minister of Iran (1965–77). After serving (1958–64) with the National Iranian Oil Company, he became (1964) minister of finance in the liberal government of Hassan Ali Mansur. When Mansur was killed by right-wing Muslim extremists, Hoveida was named (1965) prime minister. He continued his predecessor's policy of land redistribution and sought to maintain friendly ties with both the United States and the Soviet Union. Hoveida was reelected in 1967 and 1971. He fell out of favor with the Shah in 1977, surrendered to the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979, and was shot.