Grigorii Kamenskii

Kamenskii, Grigorii Nikolaevich


Born Jan. 6 (18), 1892, in the village of Klekotki, in present-day Skopin Raion, Riazan Oblast; died July 17, 1959, in Moscow. Soviet hydrogeo logist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1953).

Kamenskii graduated from the land reclamation engineering division of the Moscow Agricultural Institute in 1916. In 1933 he became a professor at the Moscow Institute of Geological Research. His principal works dealt with regional and theoretical hydrogeology (filtration properties of rocks and problems of the regime, dynamics, zonality, and formation of groundwater). He devised a number of instruments for determining the filtration factor, including a field instrument that was named the Kamenskii tube (1932). He was awarded two orders and various medals.


Rezhim podzemnykh vod. Moscow-Leningrad, 1938. (Co-author.)
Osnovy dinamiki podzemnykh vod, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1943.
Poiski i razvedka podzemnykh vod. Moscow-Leningrad, 1947.
Gidrogeologicheskie issledovaniia i razvedka istochnikov vodosnabzheniia. Moscow-Leningrad, 1947.
Gidrogeologiia SSSR. Moscow, 1959. (Co-author.)