Grigorii Makhotin
Makhotin, Grigorii
Years of birth and death unknown. Russian inventor and industrial production organizer; worked at metallurgical factories of the Ural region during the 18th century.
Makhotin was a serf of the Demidov family of factory owners and worked mostly in the Nev’iansk shops. In 1743 he invented a two-tuyere blowing system for blast furnaces. From 1767 to 1770, Makhotin wrote A Memorial Book, Written About Shop Production (the front page carries the notation “Drawn in the year 1776”). The book, which still exists in manuscript form (304 pp.), contains an economic and technical description of the Demidov metallurgical works.
Kafengaus, B. B. Istoriia khoziaistva Demidovykh v XVIII-XIX vv., vol. 1. Moscow-Leningrad, 1949.Kafengaus, B. B. “Ural’skie zavody P. Demidova v XVIII stoletii (‘Kniga memorial’naia’ Gr. Makhotina).” Uch. zap. MGU, 1946, no. 87.