Grigorii Zakharovich Eliseev

Eliseev, Grigorii Zakharovich


Born Jan. 25 (Feb. 6), 1821, in the village of Spasskoe, Kain District, presentday Kuibyshev Raion, Novosibirsk Oblast; died Jan. 18 (30), 1891, in St. Petersburg. Russian journalist and publicist.

Eliseev, whose father was a priest, was a professor at Kazan Divinity Academy (1845–54). Later, from 1859 to 1863, he was on the editorial staff of the satirical magazine Iskra. He became a contributor to Sovremennik in 1858 and was a member of its editorial staff from 1863 to 1866. He was editor of the newspaper Vek (1862) and the newspaper Ocherki (1863) and was one of the editors of Otechestvennye zapiski (1868–81). In the 1860’s he emerged as a revolutionary democrat. Lenin viewed Eliseev’s article “Plutocracy and Its Foundations” (1872) as a protest against bourgeois liberalism “characteristic of a socialist” (Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 1, p. 293).


“Vospominaniia.” In the collection Sheslidesiatye gody v vospominaniiakh M. A. Antonovicha i G. Z. Eliseeva. Moscow-Leningrad, 1933.
Pis’ma G. Z. Eliseeva k M. E. Saltykovu-Shchedrinu. Moscow, 1935.


Kleinbort, L. M. G. Z. Eliseev. Petrograd, 1923. (Bibliography.)
Leikina-Svirskaia, V. R. “Publitsistika G. Z. Eliseeva v 60-kh gg.” In the collection Revoliutsionnaia situatsiia v Rossii v 1859–1861 gg. Moscow, 1965.