Grigorovich, Ivan

Grigorovich, Ivan Ivanovich


Born 1792; died 1852. Byelorussian student of ancient texts, antiquarian, and historian. Graduated from a theological academy (1819) and was the rector of schools in Gomel’ and Vitebsk. In 1837 he became a member of the Archaeographic Committee.

Grigorovich compiled the first Byelorussian collection of ancient texts, Byelorussian Archives of Old Documents (part 1, 1824; part 2, in manuscript, was discovered in 1958 in the Krasnoiarsk Archives). He published a number of other collections of documents, the most important of which, Acta of Western Russia (vols. 1–5. 1846–53), contain source materials on the history of Byelorussia, the Ukraine, and Lithuania from the 14th to 17th centuries.


Sudnik, M. “Zbiral’nik belaruskai starazhytnastsi.” Belarus’. 1945. nos. 11–12.
Ikonnikov. V. S. Opyt russkoi istoriografii, vols. 1–2. Kiev, 1891–1908.