hydrocephalus ex vacuo

hy·dro·ceph·a·lus ex vac·'u·o

hydrocephalus due to loss or atrophy of brain tissue; less commonly associated with raised intracranial pressure.

hydrocephalus ex vacuo

A misnomer referring to asymptomatic ventricular enlargement caused by generalised loss of cerebral tissue, from severe head injury, infarction or cerebral hypoxia.

hy·dro·ceph·a·lus ex vac·u·o

(hī'drō-sef'ă-lŭs eks vak'yū-ō) Hydrocephalus due to loss or atrophy of brain tissue; less commonly associated with raised intracranial pressure.

hydrocephalus ex vacuo

The appearance on brain imaging of enlarged lateral ventricles, caused by atrophy of the brain.See also: hydrocephalus