Ilmari Kianto
Kianto, Ilmari
Born May 7, 1874, in Pulkkila; died Apr. 27, 1970, in Helsinki. Finnish writer.
Kianto, the son of a pastor, graduated from the University of Helsinki, receiving a master of philosophy degree in 1900. He studied on a stipend at Moscow University from 1901 to 1903. Kianto’s writings are autobiographical. In the work In a Sham Career (1896) he describes his service in the army. The works From the Shores of Kianta—Through the Caspian (1903), From the Hands of a Young Man (1904), The Son of a Pastor (1928), and Moscow Master’s Degree (1946) are devoted to Kianto’s youth. His novels of social criticism, The Red Line (1909) and Jooseppi From Ryysyranta (1924), describe the hardships of the working people of Finland in the early 20th century.
Omat koirat purivat. [Helsinki] 1948.Iki—Kianto muistelee. [Helsinki] 1956.
Valitut teokset. Helsinki, 1956.
Mies on luotu liikkuvaksi. [Helsinki] 1957.
Laurila, V. Ilmari Kianto. Helsinki, 1944.Kauppinen, E. Ilmari Kianto: Johdanto Ilmari Kiannon. Helsinki, 1970.
Laitinen, K. Suomen kirjallisuus 1917–1967. Helsinki, 1970.