Ilmovaia Pad
Il’movaia Pad’
the largest Hunnish burial ground of the second-first century B.C., situated 28 km north of the city of Kiakhta, Buriat ASSR. It was investigated in 1896–97 by Iu. D. Tal’ko-Grintsevich and in 1928–29 by G. P. Sosnovskii. It consists of about 280 burial structures in the form of stone-bordered sites (nearly square in layout) with a dromos on the south side. The burial rite confirms the data of ancient Chinese (Han) chronicles stating that the Huns buried the dead in double wood coffins. Along with small burial structures (the graves of the ordinary people), monumental structures of the clan-tribal nobility were also excavated. Remains of silk fabrics, mirrors, and other Chinese articles bear witness to the ties of the Huns with the people of China.