

单词 how



H0052950 (hou)adv.1. In what manner or way; by what means: How does this machine work?2. In what state or condition: How is she today?3. To what extent, amount, or degree: How bad was it?4. For what reason or purpose; why: How is it that he left early?5. With what meaning: How should I take that remark?6. By what name: How is she called?7. By what measure; in what units: How do you sell this corn?8. What. Usually used in requesting that something be said again: How's that again?9. Used as an intensive: How we laughed!conj.1. The manner or way in which: forgot how it was done.2. That: I told them how I had once been bitten by a snake.3. In whatever way or manner; however: Cook it how you please.n. A manner or method of doing something: "The how of research is generated by the why of the world" (Frederick Turner).Idioms: and how Informal Most certainly; you bet: She's a good dancer, and how! how about1. Used to make a suggestion or to offer something: How about a cup of tea?2. Used to request an opinion about something considered remarkable or impressive: How about that storm last night? how about that Informal Used rhetorically to express surprise or wonder at or approval for something. how come Informal How is it that; why: How come you're so late? how so How is it so: You say the answer is wrong. How so?
[Middle English howe, from Old English ; see kwo- in Indo-European roots.]


(haʊ) adv1. in what way? in what manner? by what means?: how did it happen? Also used in indirect questions: tell me how he did it2. to what extent?: how tall is he?. 3. how good? how well? what…like?: how did she sing?; how was the holiday?. 4. how about? used to suggest something: how about asking her?; how about a cup of tea?. 5. how are you? what is your state of health?6. how come? informal what is the reason (that)?: how come you told him?. 7. how's that for…? a. is this satisfactory as regards…?: how's that for size?. b. an exclamation used to draw attention to a quality, deed, etc: how is that for endurance?. 8. what is your opinion?9. (Cricket) cricket (an appeal to the umpire) is the batsman out?. Also written: howzat 10. how now? how so? archaic what is the meaning of this?11. not standard Also: as how that: he told me as how the shop was closed. 12. in whatever way: do it how you wish. 13. used in exclamations to emphasize extent: how happy I was!. 14. and how! (intensifier) very much so!15. here's how! (as a toast) good health!nthe way a thing is done: the how of it. [Old English hu; related to Old Frisian hū, Old High German hweo]


(haʊ) sentence substitutea greeting supposed to be or have been used by American Indians and often used humorously[C19: of Siouan origin; related to Dakota háo]



adv. 1. in what way or manner; by what means?: How did the fire start? 2. to what extent, degree, etc.?: How difficult was the test? 3. in what state or condition?: How is the baby? 4. for what reason; why?: How can you talk such nonsense? 5. to what effect; with what meaning?: How is one to interpret such actions? 6. at what amount or rate or in what measure or quantity?: How much is this? How are these tomatoes sold? 7. what?: How do you mean? 8. (used as an intensifier): How seldom I go there! 9. by what title or name?: How does one address the president? 10. in what form or shape?: How does the demon appear in the first act? conj. 11. the manner or way in which: I couldn't figure out how to solve the problem. 12. about the manner or condition in which: Be careful how you act. 13. in whatever manner or way; however: You can dress how you please. 14. Informal. that: She told us how he was honest and could be trusted. n. 15. a question concerning the way or manner in which something is done, achieved, etc.: a child's unending whys and hows. 16. a way or manner of doing something: to consider all the hows and wherefores. Idioms: 1. and how! Informal. certainly; you bet: Am I happy? And how! 2. here's how, (used as a toast.) 3. how about, what do you think or feel regarding? what is your response to?: If they don't have pumpkin pie, how about apple? 4. how come? Informal. how is it that? why?: How come you never visit us anymore? 5. how so? how does it happen to be so? why?: You left early? How so? [before 900; Middle English how, hu, Old English hū, c. Old Frisian hū, ho, Old Saxon (h)wō; akin to Old High German hweo, Gothic hwaiwa]


1. ways of doing things

You use how in questions and explanations when you are talking about the way something is done.

How do you spell his name?Tell me how to get there.This is how I make a vegetable curry.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'how' to mean 'in the way that'. For example, don't say 'He walks to work every day, how his father did'. Instead you use like, as, or the way.

See like - as - the way
2. asking about someone's health

You use how with be to ask about someone's health.

How are you?How is she? All right?

Be Careful!
Don't use 'how' to ask what kind of person someone is. For example, if you are asking someone for a description of their boss, don't say 'How is your boss?' Say 'What is your boss like?'

What's his mother like?
3. asking about impressions

You use how with be to ask whether someone likes or enjoys something or not.

How was your trip?How was the smoked trout?

Be Careful!
Don't use 'how' to ask for a description of a thing or place. For example, if you say 'How is Birmingham?', you are not asking someone what kind of place Birmingham is; you are asking them if they are enjoying living or working there. If you want them to give you a description of Birmingham, you say 'What is Birmingham like?'

What is Fiji like?

Be Careful!
Don't say 'How do you think of Birmingham?' Say 'What do you think of Birmingham?'

What do you think of his writing style?What did you think of Tokyo?
4. commenting on a quality

People often use how with an adjective when they are commenting on what someone has just said.

'She has a house there as well.' – 'How nice!''To my surprise, I found her waiting for me at the station.' – 'How kind!'


(hau) adverb, conjunction1. in what way. How do you make bread? 如何 怎样2. to what extent. How do you like my new hat?; How far is Paris from London? 多少程度 多少3. by what means. I've no idea how he came here. 怎麼 怎么4. in what condition. How are you today?; How do I look? 何種狀態 怎样5. for what reason. How is it that I am the last to know about this? 為何 怎么howˈever adverb1. in spite of that. It would be nice if we had more money. However, I suppose we'll manage with what we have. 可是 可是2. (also how ever) in what way; by what means. However did you get here?; However did you do that? 究竟如何 究竟怎样3. to no matter what extent. However hard I try, I still can't do it. 不管如何 不管如何 conjunction in no matter what way. This painting still looks wrong however you look at it. 無論如何 不管用什么方法how about1. I would like to suggest. `Where shall we go tonight?' `How about the cinema?' 你覺得…如何? …怎么样? 2. what is he, are you etc going to do?; what does he, do you etc think?. We're going to the cinema tonight. How about you?; I rather like that picture. How about you? 那(某人)打算做什麼? 认为怎么样how come for what reason. How come I didn't get any cake? 怎麼會 怎么会...how do you do? words that are said by a person to someone he is being introduced to. `How do you do? My name is Smith,' he said, shaking her hand. 您好 你好


  • How old are you?
  • How long will it take?
  • How much does it cost?
  • How much is it?
  • How much will it be?
  • How are you feeling now?
  • how

    • a bit of how's your father
    • a fine how do you do
    • a spot of how's your father
    • and how
    • And how!
    • any old how
    • any way you slice it
    • Could I have a lift?
    • find out how the land lies
    • fine how do you do
    • Half the world knows not how the other half lives
    • here's how
    • How (something) can you be?
    • How (something) can you get?
    • How (something) is that?
    • how about
    • how about that
    • How about that!
    • how about that, then
    • how about that?
    • How about you?
    • How are things (with you)?
    • How are things going?
    • how are you
    • How are you feeling?
    • How are you getting on?
    • how are you, etc. fixed?
    • How bout them apples?
    • How 'bout them apples?
    • How can I help you?
    • How can I serve you?
    • how can you sleep at night
    • how can/could you!
    • how come
    • How come?
    • how could you
    • How could you?
    • how dare (someone)
    • how dare you
    • how dare you, etc.
    • how do you do
    • How do you know?
    • How do you like school?
    • how do you like that
    • How do you like that?
    • how do you like them apples
    • how do you like them apples?
    • How do you like this weather?
    • How does (something) grab you?
    • how does that grab you
    • How does that grab you?
    • how does...grab you?
    • How dumb do you think I am?
    • how far
    • how goes it
    • How goes it?
    • How is (one) fixed (for something)?
    • How is (someone) getting along?
    • How is (someone) making out?
    • How is fixed for?
    • How is getting along?
    • How is making out?
    • How long is a piece of string?
    • How many times do I have to tell you?
    • How may I help you?
    • How much do you want to bet?
    • how now brown cow
    • How now, brown cow?
    • how on earth
    • how selfish, stupid, ungrateful, etc. can you get?
    • How should I know?
    • how so
    • How so?
    • how the land lies
    • How the mighty have fallen
    • how the other half lives
    • how the wind blows
    • how the wind lies
    • How they hanging?
    • how time flies
    • How will I know you?
    • How will I recognize you?
    • How would you like it?
    • How ya doin'?
    • How ya living?
    • How you been?
    • How you doing?
    • How you feeling?
    • how, what, why, etc. on earth...
    • how/what about that!
    • how/what about...?
    • How’re they hanging?
    • How’s it hanging?
    • How’s tricks?
    • how-d'ye-do
    • How're things going?
    • How're things?
    • How's (it) with you?
    • How's business?
    • How's by you?
    • How's every little thing?
    • How's it hanging?
    • how's life (treating you)?
    • How's my boy?
    • How's my/the boy?
    • how's that
    • How's that again?
    • how's that for
    • How's that?
    • How's the family?
    • How's the wife?
    • How's the world (been) treating you?
    • How's the world treating you?
    • How's the/your family?
    • How's this/that for (something)?
    • how's this/that for a...?
    • how's tricks
    • how's tricks?
    • How's with you?
    • how's your father
    • How've you been?
    • in (the) blazes?
    • in (the) Sam Hill?
    • in blue blazes?
    • in creation?
    • in tarnation?
    • in thunderation?
    • know how many beans make five
    • know-how
    • lay of the land, the
    • mind how you go
    • no matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney
    • no matter how you slice it
    • no matter what/when/where/why/who/how
    • one half of the world does not know how the other half lives
    • see how the land lies
    • see how the wind blows
    • see how the wind is blowing
    • see, etc. how the land lies
    • Seeing that
    • slice the pie, to
    • tell it how it is
    • tell it how/like it is
    • that's (just) how it goes
    • that's a fine how-de-do
    • that's a fine how-do-you-do
    • that's how (the way) the ball bounces/cookie crumbles
    • that's how the ball bounces
    • that's how the cookie crumbles
    • that's how the mop flops
    • That's the way it goes
    • that's the way the cookie crumbles
    • time flies
    • way the wind blows, which
    • what on earth
    • what the (blue) blazes
    • why on earth


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