how about

how about

1. A phrase used before a suggestion. How about Chinese for dinner? How about you turn off the TV and go to bed early for once?2. A phrase used before a comment that seeks the listener's feedback. How about that game last night? So exciting!See also: how

how about

What is your thought, feeling, or desire concerning. For example, How about a cup of tea? or How about joining us for lunch? It is also put as how about it, as in How about it? Do you want to come along? [Mid-1800s] Also see what about. See also: how

how/what about...?

1 used when asking for information about somebody/something: How about Ruth? Have you heard from her?I’m having fish. What about you?
2 used to make a suggestion or offer: How about going for a walk?You look cold. How about a nice hot drink?
3 used for introducing somebody/something into a conversation or reminding somebody of somebody/something: I know she’s very happy now, but what about him?‘I’ve never been to Spain before.’ ‘What about the conference you went to in Madrid?’See also: how, what

how about

1. Used to make a suggestion or to offer something: How about a cup of tea?2. Used to request an opinion about something considered remarkable or impressive: How about that storm last night?See also: how