Howard Selsam
Selsam, Howard
Born June 28, 1903, in Harrisburg, Pa. American Marxist philosopher.
Selsam taught philosophy at Brooklyn College. He was director of the Jefferson School of Social Science in New York from 1944 to 1956. A founder of the American Institute for Marxist Studies, he was a member of the editorial board of the American Marxist journal Science and Society. Selsam has actively and consistently supported dialectical and historical materialism in the struggle against bourgeois ideology. Ethical issues occupy a central place in his work. Selsam was editor of the Reader in Marxist Philosophy (1963).
What Is Philosophy? New York, 1938.Ethics and Progress. New York, 1965.
In Russian translation:
“Pragmatizm—filosofiia amerikanskogo imperializma.” In the collection Progressivnye deiateli SShA v bor’be za peredovuiu ideologiiu. Moscow, 1955.
Marksizm i moral’. Moscow, 1962.
Filosofiia v revoliutsii. Moscow, 1963.
Leninizm i sovremennye problemy istoriko-filosofskoi nauki. Moscow, 1970. Pages 585–86, 588–89.A. F. GRIAZNOV