Ahmad Mirza

Ahmad Mirza

(äkhmäd` mērzä`), 1898–1930, shah of Persia (1909–25), son of Muhammad AliMuhammad Ali,
1872–1925, shah of Persia (1906–9), son of Muzaffar ad-Din Shah, of the Qajar dynasty. Muhammad Ali, who was an opponent of constitutional government, began to rule at a critical period just after the constitution of 1906 had been granted.
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. The last of the Qajar dynasty, he came to power as a result of a coup against his father. A regent initially ruled for him. A weak figure, Ahmad was overthrown in 1921 in a military coup by Reza Khan (later Reza Shah PahleviReza Shah Pahlevi
, 1878–1944, shah of Iran (1925–41). He began his career as an army officer and gained a reputation for valor and leadership. He headed a coup in 1921 and became prime minister of the new regime in 1923.
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). The shah, unable to oppose the new government, left (1923) for Europe, where he died.