hell or high water

by hell or high water

By any means necessary; regardless of any difficulty, problem, or obstacle. By hell or high water, I am going to make it to your wedding!See also: by, hell, high, water

hell or high water

Any means necessary, regardless of any difficulty, problem, or obstacle. By hell or high water, I am going to make it to your wedding!See also: hell, high, water

(come) ˌhell or high ˈwater

whatever the difficulties or opposition may be: Come hell or high water, we’ve got to reach the injured men tonight.See also: hell, high, water

come hell or high water

No matter what happens; come what may. The origin of this expression has been lost. One authority claims it is a variation of between the devil and the deep blue sea, “hell” and “high water” representing similar great obstacles. It appears to have originated shortly after 1900. In 1939, at the outbreak of World War II, A. Keith wrote about imperialism, “Let empires be built—come hell or high water, they build ’em.”See also: come, hell, high, water