

For ancient Egyptian kings thus named, use Amasis.



the name of two ancient Egyptian pharaohs:

Ahmose I. Ruled from circa 1580 B.C. to 1559 B.C. Founder of the 18th Dynasty.

Ahmose I drove the Hyksos out of Egypt and established his supremacy in southern Palestine and northern Cush.

Ahmose II. Ruled from 569 B.C. to 525 B.C. Member of the 26th Dynasty.

According to tradition, Ahmose II came from the common people, but he managed to become the head of a detachment of Libyan soldiers. When an uprising broke out in the army, he sided with the rebels, who proclaimed him pharaoh in 569 B.C., after overthrowing Apries. In his foreign policy, Ahmose sought to protect Egypt from Persian aggression by forming an alliance with Lydia and the Greek city-states of Athens, Sparta, and Samos. Under Ahmose II, Egypt conquered Cyprus, and the cadastre was revised to lighten the burden of taxes.