

单词 i


I 1

E0307500 (ī)pron. Used to refer to oneself as speaker or writer.n. pl. I's The self; the ego.
[Middle English, from Old English ic; see eg in Indo-European roots.]Usage Note: Traditional grammar requires the nominative form of the pronoun following the verb be: It is I (not me), That must be they (not them), and so forth. Nearly everyone finds this rule difficult to follow. Even if everyone could follow it, in informal contexts the nominative pronoun often sounds pompous and even ridiculous, especially when the verb is contracted. Would anyone ever say It's we? But constructions like It is me have been condemned in the classroom and in writing handbooks for so long that there seems little likelihood that they will ever be entirely acceptable in formal writing. · The traditional rule creates additional problems when the pronoun following be also functions as the object of a verb or preposition in a relative clause, as in It is not (them/they) that we have in mind, where the plural pronoun serves as both the predicate of is and the object of have. Adherence to this rule is waning. In our 1988 survey, 67 percent of the Usage Panel preferred the nominative they in the previous example. This percentage fell to 45 just five years later. In our 2009 survey, just 37 percent found they to be acceptable in this sentence. Meanwhile, the percent that accepted objective them rose steadily from 33 in 1988 to 39 1993 to 55 in 2009. Writers who dislike the construction can easily avoid it by saying They are not the ones we have in mind, We have someone else in mind, and so on. · When pronouns joined by a conjunction occur as the object of a preposition such as between, according to, or like, many people use the nominative form where the traditional grammatical rule would require the objective; they say between you and I rather than between you and me, and so forth. Some language commentators see this construction as a hypercorrection, in which speakers who have been taught to say It is I instead of It is me assume that correctness also requires between you and I in place of between you and me. This explanation of the tendency cannot be the whole story, since the phrase between you and I occurs in Shakespeare, roughly three centuries before the prescriptive rule condemning this practice was written. But the between you and I construction is nonetheless widely regarded as a mark of ignorance and is best avoided in formal contexts. · There is also a widespread tendency to use the objective form when a pronoun is used as a subject together with a noun in apposition, as in Us engineers were left without technical support. In formal speech or writing the nominative we would be preferable here. But when the pronoun itself appears in apposition to a subject noun phrase, the use of the nominative form may sound pedantic in a sentence such as The remaining members of the admissions committee, namely we, will have to meet next week. Writers who are uncomfortable about using the objective us here should rewrite the sentence to avoid the difficulty. See Usage Notes at be, but, we.

I 2

1. The symbol for iodine.2. Electricity The symbol for current.3. also i The symbol for the Roman numeral 1.

I 3

abbr.1. incomplete2. Independent3. inside4. interstate5. isospin

i 1

or I E0307500 (ī)n. pl. i's or I's also is or Is 1. The ninth letter of the modern English alphabet.2. Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter i.3. The ninth in a series.4. Something shaped like the letter I.

i 2

The symbol for imaginary unit.


() or


n, pl i's, I's or Is1. (Linguistics) the ninth letter and third vowel of the modern English alphabet2. (Phonetics & Phonology) any of several speech sounds represented by this letter, in English as in bite or hit3. a. something shaped like an Ib. (in combination): an I-beam. 4. dot the i's and cross the t's to pay meticulous attention to detail


symbol for (Mathematics) the imaginary number √–1. Also called: j


() pron (Grammar) (subjective) refers to the speaker or writer[C12: reduced form of Old English ic; compare Old Saxon ik, Old High German ih, Sanskrit ahám]


symbol for 1. (Chemistry) chem iodine 2. (General Physics) physics current 3. (General Physics) physics isospin 4. (Logic) logic a particular affirmative categorial statement, such as some men are married, often symbolized as SiP. Compare A, E, O1 5. (Roman numeral)one. See Roman numerals abbreviation for Italy (international car registration) [(for sense 4) from Latin (aff)i(rmo) I affirm]

I, i


n., pl. I's Is, i's is. 1. the ninth letter of the English alphabet, a vowel. 2. any spoken sound represented by this letter. 3. something shaped like an I. 4. a written or printed representation of the letter I or



pron. nom. I, poss. my mine, obj. me; pron. 1. the nominative singular pronoun used by a speaker or writer in referring to himself or herself. n. 2. (used to denote the narrator of a literary work written in the first person singular.) 3. the ego; the self. [before 900; Middle English ik, ich, i; Old English ic, ih; c. Old High German ih, Old Norse ek, Latin ego, Greek egṓ, Skt ahám] usage: See me.


interstate (used with a number to designate an interstate highway): I-95.


Symbol. 1. the ninth in order or in a series. 2. (sometimes l.c.) the Roman numeral for 1. Compare Roman numerals. 3. Chem. iodine. 4. Biochem. isoleucine. 5. Elect. current.


Physics Symbol. isotopic spin.


1. Math Symbol. the imaginary number (-1)^(1/2). 2. a unit vector on the x-axis of a coordinate system.


var. of y-.


the typical ending of the first element of compounds of Latin words, as -o- is of Greek words, but often used in English with a first element of any origin, if the second element is of Latin origin: cuneiform; Frenchify.


1. Independent. 2. International. 3. Island. 4. Isle.


1. imperator. 2. incisor. 3. interest. 4. intransitive. 5. island. 6. isle.


(ī) The number whose square is equal to -1. Numbers expressed in terms of i are called imaginary or complex numbers.


The symbol for iodine.


A speaker or writer uses I to refer to himself or herself. I is the subject of a verb. It is always written as a capital letter.

I will be leaving soon.I like your dress.

You can also use I as part of the subject of a verb, along with another person or other people. You mention the other person first. Say 'My friend and I', not 'I and my friend'.

My mother and I stood beside the road and waited.My brothers and I go to the same school.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'I' after is. Say 'It's me', not 'It's I'.

See me
Noun1.I - a nonmetallic element belonging to the halogensI - a nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens; used especially in medicine and photography and in dyes; occurs naturally only in combination in small quantities (as in sea water or rocks)atomic number 53, iodin, iodinechemical element, element - any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matteriodine-131 - heavy radioactive isotope of iodine with a half-life of 8 days; used in a sodium salt to diagnose thyroid disease and to treat goiteriodine-125 - light radioactive isotope of iodine with a half-life of 60 days; used as a tracer in thyroid studies and as a treatment for hyperthyroidismhalogen - any of five related nonmetallic elements (fluorine or chlorine or bromine or iodine or astatine) that are all monovalent and readily form negative ionsbrine, saltwater, seawater - water containing salts; "the water in the ocean is all saltwater"2.I - the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this numberI - the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number; "he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it"; "they had lunch at one"1, ace, one, single, unitydigit, figure - one of the elements that collectively form a system of numeration; "0 and 1 are digits"monas, monad - a singular metaphysical entity from which material properties are said to derivesingleton - a single object (as distinguished from a pair)3.i - the 9th letter of the Roman alphabetLatin alphabet, Roman alphabet - the alphabet evolved by the ancient Romans which serves for writing most of the languages of western Europealphabetic character, letter of the alphabet, letter - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters"Adj.1.I - used of a single unit or thingi - used of a single unit or thing; not two or more; "`ane' is Scottish"1, ane, onecardinal - being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order; "cardinal numbers"


(ai) pronoun (only as the subject of a verb) the word used by a speaker or writer in talking about himself or herself. I can't find my book; John and I have always been friends.


  • I understand
  • I don't speak English
  • I don't know
  • I don't mind
  • I speak ...
  • What should I wear?
  • I like ...
  • Yes, I'd love to
  • I love you
  • I work for ...
  • What do I do?
  • I want my money back
  • I'd like ..., please
  • See mine


    (redirected from I)
    • (one) will get (one's)
    • (one's) for the asking
    • a gold mine
    • a mine of information
    • a poor thing but mine own
    • any friend of (someone's) (is a friend of mine)
    • back to the salt mines
    • be (one's) for the asking
    • be (one's) for the taking
    • be sitting on a gold mine
    • beat (something) all to pieces
    • canary in a coal mine
    • get (one's)
    • go back to the salt mines
    • gold mine
    • gold mine of information
    • Make mine
    • make mine (something)
    • mine for
    • mine of information
    • mine of information, a
    • salt a mine
    • salt mines
    • salt the mine
    • sit on a gold mine
    • sit on a gold mine of (something)
    • sitting on a gold mine
    • what's mine is yours
    • what's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine
    • What's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine
    • You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
    • Your guess is as good as mine
    • Your place or mine?



    9th letter of the alphabetalphabet
    [Gr. alpha-beta, like Eng. ABC], system of writing, theoretically having a one-for-one relation between character (or letter) and phoneme (see phonetics). Few alphabets have achieved the ideal exactness.
    ..... Click the link for more information.
    . This vowel can be pronounced with a short vowel sound, as the ĭ in sit, or with a long vowel sound, like the ī in ride. The Greek correspondent is iota. J is a formal development from I. English is pronounced as a diphthong of ä and y. In chemistry I is the symbol of the element iodineiodine
    [Gr.,=violet], nonmetallic chemical element; symbol I; at. no. 53; at. wt. 126.90447; m.p. 113.5&degC;; b.p. 184.35&degC;; sp. gr. 4.93 at 20&degC;; valence −1, +1, +3, +5, or +7.
    ..... Click the link for more information.


    (chemistry) iodine


    (1) A prefix for technical terms that may connote Apple's iDevices (see definition #3 below), the Internet or information.

    (2) See IBM i.

    (3) A brand prefix on Apple's mobile products (iPod, iPhone, iPad), as well as third-party accessories; for example, Apple docks are called "i-docks." Sometimes, the "i" is used creatively such as "i-whatever" when referring to Apple devices. See iDevice.

    "i" Products
    iWalk and iLuv products are Apple-certified accessories. iClean is Monster Cable's brand of screen cleaner, and iHome speakers and earphones are made by SDI Technologies. For more information, visit www.iwalk.net, www.iluv.com, www.monstercable.com and www.ihomeaudio.com.

    "i" Products
    iWalk and iLuv products are Apple-certified accessories. iClean is Monster Cable's brand of screen cleaner, and iHome speakers and earphones are made by SDI Technologies. For more information, visit www.iwalk.net, www.iluv.com, www.monstercable.com and www.ihomeaudio.com.

    "i" Products
    iWalk and iLuv products are Apple-certified accessories. iClean is Monster Cable's brand of screen cleaner, and iHome speakers and earphones are made by SDI Technologies. For more information, visit www.iwalk.net, www.iluv.com, www.monstercable.com and www.ihomeaudio.com.



    9th letter of the alphabetalphabet
    [Gr. alpha-beta, like Eng. ABC], system of writing, theoretically having a one-for-one relation between character (or letter) and phoneme (see phonetics). Few alphabets have achieved the ideal exactness.
    ..... Click the link for more information.
    . This vowel can be pronounced with a short vowel sound, as the ĭ in sit, or with a long vowel sound, like the ī in ride. The Greek correspondent is iota. J is a formal development from I. English is pronounced as a diphthong of ä and y. In chemistry I is the symbol of the element iodineiodine
    [Gr.,=violet], nonmetallic chemical element; symbol I; at. no. 53; at. wt. 126.90447; m.p. 113.5&degC;; b.p. 184.35&degC;; sp. gr. 4.93 at 20&degC;; valence −1, +1, +3, +5, or +7.
    ..... Click the link for more information.


    (chemistry) iodine


    (1) A prefix for technical terms that may connote Apple's iDevices (see definition #3 below), the Internet or information.
    (2) See IBM i.
    (3) A brand prefix on Apple's mobile products (iPod, iPhone, iPad), as well as third-party accessories; for example, Apple docks are called "i-docks." Sometimes, the "i" is used creatively such as "i-whatever" when referring to Apple devices. See iDevice.

    "i" Products
    iWalk and iLuv products are Apple-certified accessories. iClean is Monster Cable's brand of screen cleaner, and iHome speakers and earphones are made by SDI Technologies. For more information, visit www.iwalk.net, www.iluv.com, www.monstercable.com and www.ihomeaudio.com.

    "i" Products
    iWalk and iLuv products are Apple-certified accessories. iClean is Monster Cable's brand of screen cleaner, and iHome speakers and earphones are made by SDI Technologies. For more information, visit www.iwalk.net, www.iluv.com, www.monstercable.com and www.ihomeaudio.com.

    "i" Products
    iWalk and iLuv products are Apple-certified accessories. iClean is Monster Cable's brand of screen cleaner, and iHome speakers and earphones are made by SDI Technologies. For more information, visit www.iwalk.net, www.iluv.com, www.monstercable.com and www.ihomeaudio.com.



     incisor; iodine; inosine (in nucleotides).


    1. Symbol for iodine (a superscript number before the letter designates an isotope); luminous intensity or radiant intensity; ionic strength (in mol/L); isoleucine; inosine. 2. As a subscript, symbol for inspired gas. 3. Designation for I blood group.


    Abbreviation for intensity of electrical current, expressed in amperes.


    Symbol for iso-.


    Symbol for: 1. Electric current, expressed in amperes.2. Hypoxanthine.3. Illumination.4. Incisor.5. Index.6. Inosine.7. Intelligence.8. Intensity.9. Intermediate.10. Intern.11. Internal.12. Internist.13. Intestine.14. Invasive.15. Iodine.16. Isoleucine 18. Luminous intensity.


    Abbreviation for iodine; ionic strength; isoleucine; luminous intensity; radiant intensity; inosine; inspired gas.


    1. INOSINE.


    Abbreviation for intensity; iodine; isoleucine.



     incisor; iodine; inosine (in nucleotides).


    1. Symbol for iodine (a superscript number before the letter designates an isotope); luminous intensity or radiant intensity; ionic strength (in mol/L); isoleucine; inosine. 2. As a subscript, symbol for inspired gas. 3. Designation for I blood group.


    Abbreviation for intensity of electrical current, expressed in amperes.


    Symbol for iso-.


    Symbol for: 1. Electric current, expressed in amperes.2. Hypoxanthine.3. Illumination.4. Incisor.5. Index.6. Inosine.7. Intelligence.8. Intensity.9. Intermediate.10. Intern.11. Internal.12. Internist.13. Intestine.14. Invasive.15. Iodine.16. Isoleucine 18. Luminous intensity.


    Abbreviation for iodine; ionic strength; isoleucine; luminous intensity; radiant intensity; inosine; inspired gas.


    1. INOSINE.


    Abbreviation for intensity; iodine; isoleucine.



     incisor; iodine; inosine (in nucleotides).


    1. Symbol for iodine (a superscript number before the letter designates an isotope); luminous intensity or radiant intensity; ionic strength (in mol/L); isoleucine; inosine. 2. As a subscript, symbol for inspired gas. 3. Designation for I blood group.


    Abbreviation for intensity of electrical current, expressed in amperes.


    Symbol for iso-.


    Symbol for: 1. Electric current, expressed in amperes.2. Hypoxanthine.3. Illumination.4. Incisor.5. Index.6. Inosine.7. Intelligence.8. Intensity.9. Intermediate.10. Intern.11. Internal.12. Internist.13. Intestine.14. Invasive.15. Iodine.16. Isoleucine 18. Luminous intensity.


    Abbreviation for iodine; ionic strength; isoleucine; luminous intensity; radiant intensity; inosine; inspired gas.


    1. INOSINE.


    Abbreviation for intensity; iodine; isoleucine.


    (redirected from I)

    MINE. An excavation made for obtaining minerals from the bowels of the earth, and the minerals themselves are known by the name of mine.
    2. Mines are therefore considered as open and not open. An open mine is one at which work has been done, and a part of the materials taken out. When land is let on which there is an open mine, the tenant may, unless restricted by his lease, work the mine; 1 Cru. Dig. 132; 5 Co. R. 12; 1 Chit. Pr. 184, 5; and he may open new pit's or shafts for working the old vein, for otherwise the working of the same mine might be impracticable. 2 P. Wms. 388; 3 Tho. Co. Litt. 237; 10 Pick. R. 460. A mine not opened, cannot be opened by a tenant for years unless authorized, nor even by a tenant for life, without being guilty of waste. 5 Co. 12.
    3. Unless expressly excepted, mines would be included in the conveyance of land, without being expressly named, and so vice versa, by a grant of a mine, the land itself, the surface above the mine, if livery be made, will pass. Co. Litt. 6; 1 Tho. Co. Litt. 218; Shep. To. 26. Vide, generally, 15 Vin. Ab. 401; 2 Supp. to Ves. jr. 257, and the cases there cited, and 448; Com. Dig. Grant, G 7; Id. Waifs, H. 1; Crabb, R. P. Sec. 98-101; 10 East, 273; 1 M. & S. 84; 2 B. & A. 554; 4 Watts, 223-246.
    4. In New York the following provisions have been made in relation to the mines in that state, by the revised statutes, part 1, chapter 9, title 11. It is enacted as follows, by
    Sec. 1. The following mines are, and shall be, the property of this state, in its right of sovereignty. 1. All mines of gold and silver discovered, or hereafter to be discovered, within this state. 2. All mines of other metals discovered, or hereafter to be discovered, upon any lands owned by persons not being citizens of any of the United States. 3. All mines of other metals discovered, or hereafter to be discovered, upon lands owned by a citizen of any of the United States, the ore of which, upon an average, shall contain less than two equal third parts in value, of copper, tin, iron or lead, or any of those metals.
    6.-Sec. 2. All mines, and all minerals and fossils discovered, or hereafter to be discovered, upon any lands belonging to the people of this state, are, and shall be the property of the people, subject to the provisions hereinafter made to encourage the discovery thereof.
    6.-Sec. 3. All mines of whatever description, other than mines of gold and silver, discovered or hereafter to be discovered, upon any lauds owned by a citizen of the United states, the ore of which, upon an average, shall contain two equal third parts or more, in value, of copper, tin, iron and lead, or any of those metals, shall belong to the owner of such land.
    7.-Sec. 4. Every person who shall make a discovery of any mine of gold or silver, within this state, and the executors, administrators or assigns of such person, shall be exempted from paying to the people of this state, any part of the ore, profit or produce of such mine, for the term of twenty-one years, to be computed from the time of giving notice of such discovery, in the manner hereinafter directed.
    8.-Sec. 5. No person discovering a mine of gold or silver within this state, shall work the same, until he give notice thereof, by information in writing, to the secretary of this state, describing particularly therein the nature and situation of the mine. Such notice shall be registered in a book, to be kept the secretary for that purpose.
    9.-Sec. 6. After the expiration of the term above specified, the discoverer of the mine, or his representatives, shall be preferred in any contract for the working of such mine, made with the legislature or under its authority.
     10.-Sec. 7. Nothing in this title contained shall affect any grants heretofore made by the legislature, to persons having discovered mines; nor be construed to give to any person a right to enter on, or to break up the lands of any other person, or of the people of this state, or to work any mines in such lands, unless the consent, in writing, of the owner thereof, or of the commissioners of the land office, when the lands belong to the people of this state, shall be previously obtained.



    Fifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that it is the third preferred bond of the company.


    1. On a stock transaction table, a symbol indicating that a dividend was paid after a stock split.

    2. A symbol appearing next to a bond listed on NASDAQ indicating that the bond is a company's third preferred bond. All NASDAQ listings use a four-letter abbreviation; if the letter "I" follows the abbreviation, this indicates that the security being traded is a third preferred bond.


    Used in the dividend column of stock transaction tables to indicate that the dividend was paid after a stock dividend or split: Lehigh s.20i.



    Fifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that it is the third preferred bond of the company.


    1. On a stock transaction table, a symbol indicating that a dividend was paid after a stock split.2. A symbol appearing next to a bond listed on NASDAQ indicating that the bond is a company's third preferred bond. All NASDAQ listings use a four-letter abbreviation; if the letter "I" follows the abbreviation, this indicates that the security being traded is a third preferred bond.


    Used in the dividend column of stock transaction tables to indicate that the dividend was paid after a stock dividend or split: Lehigh s.20i.


    IOne (Roman numeral)
    IIncomplete (school)
    ICurrent (electronics)
    IIncluded (lowest quality of diamond)
    IInvestment (economics)
    IItaly (International Auto Identification)
    IImmediate (precedence level)
    IIn Phase
    IInventory (TOC)
    IInstructor (Boy Scouts of America)
    IInterstate (highway)
    IInclination (astronomy)
    IImagery (often associated with satellite remote sensing)
    IIncrement (Bit)
    IIsoleucine (amino acid)
    IIntercot (Disney)
    IIonisierungsenergie (German)
    IIntensitie (French: Electrical Current)
    IFederal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Minnesota (designates original point of circulation of a dollar bill)
    IImaginary number; the square root of -1


    • all
    • noun
    • adj

    Synonyms for I

    noun a nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens


    • atomic number 53
    • iodin
    • iodine

    Related Words

    • chemical element
    • element
    • iodine-131
    • iodine-125
    • halogen
    • brine
    • saltwater
    • seawater

    noun the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number


    • 1
    • ace
    • one
    • single
    • unity

    Related Words

    • digit
    • figure
    • monas
    • monad
    • singleton

    noun the 9th letter of the Roman alphabet

    Related Words

    • Latin alphabet
    • Roman alphabet
    • alphabetic character
    • letter of the alphabet
    • letter

    adj used of a single unit or thing


    • 1
    • ane
    • one

    Related Words

    • cardinal




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