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DictionarySeecalorimetryindirect calorimetry
calorimetry [kal″o-rim´ĕ-tre] measurement of the heat eliminated or stored in any system.direct calorimetry measurement of the amount of heat produced by a subject enclosed within a small chamber.indirect calorimetry measurement of the amount of heat produced by a subject by determination of the amount of oxygen consumed and the amount of carbon dioxide eliminated.in·di·rect cal·o·rim·e·trydetermination of heat production of an oxidation reaction by measuring uptake of oxygen and/or liberation of carbon dioxide and nitrogen excretion and then calculating the amount of heat produced.in·di·rect ca·lor·i·me·try (in'di-rekt' kal'ŏr-im'ĕ-trē) Determination of heat production of an oxidation reaction by measuring uptake of oxygen or liberation of carbon dioxide and nitrogen excretion. |