be in a sweat

be in a sweat

1. Literally, to be hot and sweaty. I was really in a sweat after that great workout this morning.2. To be in a state of fear, anxiety, or worry; to be feeling very nervous or frightened. I'm in a sweat at the very thought of having to get up in front of an audience. My boss is in a sweat because the IRS has been asking questions about our recent finances.See also: sweat

be in a ˈsweat

1 (also be all of a ˈsweat) (informal) be wet with sweat because it is hot or you have been running, etc: I had to run to work this morning because I got up late. I was in a real sweat when I arrived.
2 (also be in a cold ˈsweat) be very frightened or worried about something: I woke up during the night in a cold sweat worrying about the exam.See also: sweat