


a group of helminthiases whose causative agents may infest man and animals. The term “helminthozoonoses” was coined in 1929 by the Soviet scientists K. I. Skriabin and R. S. Shul’ts. Many helminthozoonoses (for example, echinococcosis, coenurosis, taeniasis, and cysticercosis) are universal, but the extent to which they affect the population and animals varies widely. Natural nidality is characteristic of some helminthozoonoses, including trichinosis, diphyllobothriasis, and opisthorchosis.

Helminthozoonoses can be spread by many forms of vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish) and invertebrates (mollusks, crustaceans, and insects). Veterinary and sanitary inspection of meat products, the level of health and general education of the population—especially its way of life and work—protection of pastures and bodies of water from fecal pollution, natural and geographic conditions, and other factors play an important part in the spread of helminthozoonoses. (For control and preventive measures, see HELMINTHIASES.)


Zakharov, V. I. Vazhneishie gel’ mintozoonozy. Kishinev, 1959.
Metodicheskie materialy po ozdorovleniiu naseleniia ot gel’mintozov. Edited by V. P. Pod”iapol’skaia. Moscow, 1964.