How long will a penal law conviction remain on record?

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Does that mean it is sealed after the date 02/07/06 till when my conviction open? No matter what kind law violation? How about penal law violation? I have paid fine and done community services and kept stay well after that. How can I get an attorney to help if necessary?


You may want to first call the DA or court that was involved and sees what is remaining on the records; your criminal law records and your credit report are two different things.


Does that mean it is sealed after the date 02/07/06 till when my conviction open? No matter what kind law violation? How about penal law violation? I have paid fine and done community services and kept stay well after that. How can I get an attorney to help if necessary?


You may want to first call the DA or court that was involved and sees what is remaining on the records; your criminal law records and your credit report are two different things.