how much

how much

You use how much when you are asking about the price of something. For example, you say 'How much is that T-shirt?'

I like that dress – how much is it?

Be Careful!
Don't say 'How much is the price of that T-shirt?'

You only use how much with be when you are asking about the price of something. Don't use it to ask about other amounts of money. Don't say, for example, 'How much is his income?' Say 'What is his income?', 'What does he earn?', or 'How much does he earn?'

Similarly, don't say 'How much is the temperature outside?' or 'How much is the population of Tokyo?' You say 'What is the temperature outside?' or 'What is the population of Tokyo?'

What is the basic rate of income tax?What is the lowest temperature it's possible to reach?