

单词 iac



In any case



An initialism for "in any case," meaning regardless of what happens or what the circumstances are. Her note just said, "Transfer the funds IAC," so I guess we better do it.


An initialism for "in any event," meaning regardless of what happens or what the circumstances are. Her note just said, "Transfer the funds IAE," so I guess we better do it.


and IAC interj. in any event; in any case. (Initialisms. Used in electronic mail and computer forum or news group messages. Not pronounced aloud.) I will be there IAC.


verbSee IAE



(meteorology) international analysis code


(1) (InterApplication Communications) The interprocess communications capability in the Mac starting with System 7.0. IAC events take place behind the scenes and enable one application to send a message to another app. See IPC.

(2) (Internet Access Coalition) An earlier consortium of vendors including Microsoft, Intel and IBM, whose mission in the late 1990s was to keep the Internet affordable and promote high-speed access. They opposed regulations that would enable a telephone company to charge a customer more for a data call than a voice call.


IACIdle Air Control (automotive)
IACIndustry Advisory Council
IACIsraeli American Council (various locations)
IACInterActiveCorp (stock symbol)
IACInternational Affairs Committee
IACInternational Astronautical Congress
IACInternational Advisory Committee (PSSC)
IACInstituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spanish: Astrophysics Institute of the Canary Islands)
IACIn Any Case
IACInternational Anti-Corruption (corporate corruption)
IACIt's A Crime (game)
IACInfrastructure as Code (computing)
IACImmunization Action Coalition
IACIndia against Corruption
IACInternational Association of Coaching
IACInternational Action Center
IACInformation Analysis Center (DACS)
IACItalian American Club (various locations)
IACInternational Associate Clubs (various locations)
IACInternational Armed Conflict
IACIdaho Accelerator Center (Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID)
IACIllinois Administrative Code
IACI Am Confused
IACInvestment Advisory Committee
IACInternational Aerobatic Club
IACIndiana Arts Commission
IACInternational Academy of Ceramics
IACInterpret As Command (TELNET protocol)
IACIneffective Assistance of Counsel (law)
IACInformation Analysis Center
IACInterpret as Command
IACIndeo Audio Codec
IACIdle Air Control Valve
IACInternal Audio Controller
IACInter Application Communication
IACIbm Institute for Advanced Commerce
IACInternet Access Control
IACIndirect Air Carrier
IACInternational Academy of Consciousness
IACIndustry Advisory Committee
IACInterscholastic Athletic Conference (various locations)
IACInternational Agricultural Centre
IACInstituto de Apoio a Criança (Portuguese: Institute of Child Support)
IACInter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles (treaty)
IACIdentity and Access Control
IACIrving Arts Center (Irving, TX)
IACInternational Aerosol Conference (International Aerosol Research Assembly)
IACInter Agency Committee
IACIdentified Alien Craft (UFO community's slang for a UFO operated by US Government)
IACInterlochen Arts Camp (Interlochen, MI)
IACIndividual Assistance Center (US FEMA)
IACIndian Affairs Committee (various organizations)
IACInstitut für Anorganische Chemie (Kiel, Germany)
IACInsurers Administrative Corporation (various locations)
IACInternal Auditory Canal
IACInter-Application Communication
IACInterapplication Communication (Apple)
IACInternational Academy of Cytology
IACInterferometric Autocorrelation
IACImage Analysis Center
IACInterstate Access Charge
IACIndigenous Advisory Committee (Australia)
IACInstitute for the African Child (Athens, OH)
IACInternational Auschwitz Committee (Auschwitz concentration camp)
IACIf Anyone Cares
IACInternational Access Code
IACIrish Air Corps
IACInternational Aviation Club
IACIraq Action Coalition
IACInternational Aviation Consultants (partnership)
IACInternational Antarctic Centre (New Zealand)
IACIowa Arts Council
IACIntelligent Alternator Control (Bavarian Motor Works)
IACIndependent Advice Centre (UK)
IACIntegrated Analysis Capability (US NASA)
IACIndustries Assistance Commission
IACInternational Armoring Corporation (Ogden, Utah)
IACIncident Advisory Council
IACIdaho Athletic Club
IACInstitutional Assessment and Compliance (South Carolina)
IACInstrumental Analytical Chemistry (various organizations)
IACIsland Arts Centre (Ireland)
IACIndependent Artists Company
IACIsrael Action Committee (various locations)
IACIndustrial Arbitration Court (Singapore)
IACInterstate Athletic Conference
IACIdaho Association of Counties
IACIndoor Athletics Centre (UK)
IACInternational Academic Collaboration (North Carolina State University)
IACInternational Association for Counselling
IACIntelligent Automation Corporation (San Diego, California)
IACIndochinese-American Council
IACInstrument Approach Chart (aviation)
IACInternational Association for Cybernetics
IACInheritance of Acquired Characteristics (adaptation theory)
IACInteragency Committee on School Construction
IACInstitute for Advanced Commerce (IBM)
IACInternational Auctioneer Championship
IACInternal Audit Committee
IACInternational Adoption Center
IACInternet Access Coalition
IACInstructional Advancement Center (University of Miami; Miami, FL)
IACInstituto Agronomico Campinas (Brazil)
IACIntegrated Avionics Computer
IACIslamic Association of China
IACInfidels Are Cool (political blog)
IACIraqi Assistance Center
IACInterior-Aleutians Campus (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
IACInternational Affairs Centre (Thailand)
IACInternational Agricultural Center (The Netherlands)
IACIntelligence Analysis Center
IACInstitute for Antiquity and Christianity
IACIndian Airlines Corporation (ICAO code)
IACInternational Armaments Cooperation
IACInternet Application Component
IACImproving Asthma Control (California Asthma Public Health Initiative)
IACIndependent Anglican Church (Canada Synod)
IACInvestment Advice Certificate
IACInfrastructure Advisory Committee
IACInterdepartmental Analytical Center (Russia)
IACImperfect Authentic Cadence (music)
IACIntertribal Agricultural Council
IACIssue Attention Cycle (Anthony Downs environmental model)
IACIdeal Alpaca Community
IACInstrução de Aviação Civil (Brasil)
IACInstituto Colombiano de Codificación y Automatización Comercial (Bogotá, Colombia)
IACIFOAM Accreditation Criteria
IACInternational Academy Council
IACIntellectual Assets Centre (UK)
IACInternet Advocacy Center
IACIncident Action Council
IACInitial Alignment Control
IACInstitutional Actions Council (Higher Learning Commission)
IACIndustry Advisory Conference (Ul)
IACIndividual Augmentee Coordinator
IACInvestors Association of Canada
IACIssuer Action Code(s)
IACInstitute for Atmosphere and Climate (ETH Zurich)
IACIndirect Adaptive Control
IACInternet Advisory Committee (Canada)
IACIndependent Assurance Contractor
IACInterexchange Access Customer (Bellcore)
IACIndustrial Accident Commission
IACInstrument on A Card
IACIntelligent Access Controller (Sprint)
IACInstantaneous Airborne Count
IACIndustrial Application Center
IACInfostructure Architecture Council (USAF)
IACIndividual Activity Code (electronic access code)
IACIntelligent Asynchronous Controller
IACIntegrating Associate Contractor
IACInterstate Assurance Company
IACInitial Approach Course
IACIntelligence Analysis Cell
IACInternational Arms Cooperation
IACIntegrated Access Controller (AT&T)
IACIndependent Action Center
IACInternational Accounting Centre
IACInterim Acceptance Criterion
IACInstrument Alignment Cube
IACIn Awhile Crocodile
IACInbound Approach Course
IACInstituto de Ação Cultural (Portuguese: Institute of Cultural Action; Brazil)
IACInstructor Aircraft Commander (military pilot course)
IACISDN Access Controller
IACIntegration, Assembly & Checkout
IACInter-Enterprise Application Cooperation
IACInmate Advisory Committee
IACIndustrial Analysis Centre (Canada)
IACInformation Assurance and Compliance
IACInter-Array Communication/Correlation
IACIsraeli Awareness Commission
IACInternational Alliance for Children, Inc. (New Milford, CT)
IACIndependent Auditing Consulting (Vietnam)




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