Groszkowski, Janusz

Groszkowski, Janusz


Born Mar. 21. 1898, in Warsaw; Polish scientist in radio engineering and electronics; academician (1952) and president (1962) of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Professor at the Warsaw Polytechnic Institute since 1929.

Groszkowski was one of the founders of the Institute of Radio Engineering in Warsaw in 1928, which he reorganized in 1932 as the State Institute of Telecommunications. In 1951 he organized the electronics laboratory attached to the Institute of Fundamental Technical Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His principal works have been in radiophysics, electronics, vacuum physics, and vacuum engineering. He developed a method for the analysis of nonlinear electronic devices. Groszkowski is a foreign member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (since 1966) and a member of several academies in other countries.


In Russian translation:
Generirovanie vysokochastotnykh kolebanii i stabilizatsiia chastoty. Moscow, 1953.
Technologiia vysokogo vakuuma. Moscow, 1957.