

单词 help oneself

help oneself

Verb1.help oneself - abstain from doing; always used with a negative; "I can't help myself--I have to smoke"; "She could not help watching the sad spectacle"helprefrain, forbear - resist doing something; "He refrained from hitting him back"; "she could not forbear weeping"


(help) verb1. to do something with or for someone that he cannot do alone, or that he will find useful. Will you help me with this translation?; Will you please help me (to) translate this poem?; Can I help?; He fell down and I helped him up. 幫助 帮助2. to play a part in something; to improve or advance. Bright posters will help to attract the public to the exhibition; Good exam results will help his chances of a job. 促進 促进3. to make less bad. An aspirin will help your headache. 補救 补救4. to serve (a person) in a shop. Can I help you, sir? (店員)服務 (在商店)服务 5. (with can(not), ~could (not)) to be able not to do something or to prevent something. He looked so funny that I couldn't help laughing; Can I help it if it rains? 不得不,禁不住 无法避免,忍不住 noun1. the act of helping, or the result of this. Can you give me some help?; Your digging the garden was a big help; Can I be of help to you? 幫助,幫助的結果 帮助2. someone or something that is useful. You're a great help to me. 有用的人或物 有用3. a servant, farmworker etc. She has hired a new help. 幫手 帮手4. (usually with no) a way of preventing something. Even if you don't want to do it, the decision has been made – there's no help for it now. 阻止某事的方法 阻止某事的方法ˈhelper nounWe need several helpers for this job. 幫手 助手ˈhelpful adjectivea very helpful boy; You may find this book helpful. 有幫助的 有帮助的ˈhelpfully adverb 有幫助地 有帮助地ˈhelpfulness noun 有幫助 有帮助ˈhelping noun the amount of food one has on one's plate. a large helping of pudding. 一份(餐) (食物的)一份 ˈhelpless adjective needing the help of other people; unable to do anything for oneself. A baby is almost completely helpless. 需要幫助的,無法自理的 无助的,无依靠的 ˈhelplessly adverb 無助地 无能为力地,无助地 ˈhelplessness noun 無助 无可奈何,无能为力 help oneself1. (with to) to give oneself or take (food etc). Help yourself to another piece of cake; `Can I have a pencil?' `Certainly – help yourself; He helped himself to (= stole) my jewellery. 自助,自己拿(菜等) 自用,自取所需(食物等) 2. (with cannot, ~could not) to be able to stop (oneself). I burst out laughing when he told me – I just couldn't help myself. 自制 抑制help out to help (a person), usually for a short time because the person is in some difficulty. I help out in the shop from time to time; Could you help me out by looking after the baby? (常指某人有困難暫時)幫忙 帮助解决难题,(常指某人有困难暂时)帮忙

help oneself

help (oneself) (to something)

To serve oneself (something); to take, consume, or indulge in (something) freely or without permission or restraint. There's plenty of food in the kitchen, so please, help yourselves to more. The vagrant they had given shelter to for the night helped himself to the family's prized set of silverware. The maps at the information kiosk are free, so tourists are welcome to help themselves.See also: help

help oneself

1. Make an effort on one's own behalf. Shakespeare used this expression in 2 Henry IV (3:2): "She is old, and cannot help herself," and it also appears in the old proverb, God (or heaven) helps those who help themselves. [First half of 1500s] Also see can't help. 2. Serve oneself, as in The food's in the kitchen; just help yourself. When it takes an object this phrase is put as help oneself to, as in I helped myself to more meat. It also is used as a euphemism for stealing, as in She simply helped herself to the hotel towels and left. The first usage dates from the late 1600s; the second, a colloquialism, from the mid-1800s. See also: help

help oneself

  • verb

Synonyms for help oneself

verb abstain from doing


  • help

Related Words

  • refrain
  • forbear




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