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im·mo·bi·lize I0049300 (ĭ-mō′bə-līz′)tr.v. im·mo·bi·lized, im·mo·bi·liz·ing, im·mo·bi·liz·es 1. To render immobile.2. To fix the position of (a joint or fractured limb), as with a splint or cast.3. To impede movement or use of: Severe weather immobilized the rescue team.4. Economics a. To withdraw (specie) from circulation and reserve as security for other money.b. To convert (floating capital) into fixed capital. im·mo′bi·li·za′tion (-lĭ-zā′shən) n.im·mo′bi·liz′er n.TranslationsEncyclopediaSeeimmobilizeimmobilizer
immobilizer [ĭ-mo´bĭ-li″zer] an object or apparatus that immobilizes.sternal-occipital-mandibular immobilizer (SOMI) any of a variety of cervical orthoses that have two or three posts running between head plates and a jacket or corset. |