

单词 iad



A dynamic analyser from IBM giving information on run-timeperformance and code use.


(1) (Internet Addiction Disorder) See Internet addiction.

(2) (iAd) An advertisement system from Apple for its iDevices. Typically used within free applications, developers code their apps to display the ad. If available from Apple at the time the app is open, an iAd is delivered, and a royalty is credited to the app developer's account. iAd Producer is Mac software for designing iAds, and iAd Workbench is Apple's system for setting up and managing a targeted iAd campaign.

(3) (Integrated Access Device) A device that multiplexes a variety of communications technologies in the customer's premises onto a single telephone line for transmission to the carrier. It also demultiplexes the incoming streams into their respective channels. Devices supporting various combinations (analog voice, DSL, ISDN, T1, etc.) are available. The term often refers to a device that deals only with DSL, mixing both voice and data over the DSL line. See VoDSL.
MedicalSeeACTH deficiency, isolated


IADInternal Affairs Division (police)
IADIntegrated Access Device
IADInflammatory Airway Disease (horses)
IADIntegrated Access Device (audiocodes)
IADIETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) Administrative Director
IADIstruzione a Distanza (Italian: Distance Education)
IADIslamic Affairs Department (various organizations)
IADIncontinence-Associated Dermatitis
IADInternet Addiction Disorder
IADInvestment Advice Diploma (various locations)
IADInterface Association Descriptor
IADInternational Automobile Design
IADInternet Accessible Database
IADInteraural Amplitude Difference
IADInterface Analysis Document
IADIdentifier Already Declared
IADImplementation Artifact Descriptor
IADIllness Anxiety Disorder (psychology)
IADInter-American Division (Seventh-day Adventist)
IADIon-Assisted Deposition
IADInter-American Dialogue
IADIraqi Army Division
IADIt All Depends
IADImmigration Appeal Division (Canada)
IADInternal Audit Division
IADInstituto Agrario Dominicano
IADInterstate Agreement on Detainers
IADInternet Access Device
IADInformation and Analysis Division (various meanings)
IADInternational Association for Danube Research
IADInternet Address Detectors (Mac OS)
IADIterative Application Development
IADInternational Automotive Design
IADIndependent ATM Deployer
IADIllinois Association of the Deaf
IADIndex of American Design
IADInternational Academy of Design
IADInternet Autopsy Database
IADInternationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Donauforschung (German: International Association for Danube Research)
IADIndiana Association of the Deaf
IADInterest Accrual Date (finance)
IADIowa Association of the Deaf
IADImplementation Artifact Descriptor (computing)
IADInternational Affairs Directorate
IADIterative Aggregation-Disaggregation
IADWashington, DC, USA - Washington-Dulles International (Airport Code)
IADIt's a Date
IADImmediate Action Directive
IADInformation Access and Delivery
IADIntelligent Access Devices (Motorola)
IADÍndice Anti-Detonante (Portuguese: anti-knock index)
IADIdaho Association of the Deaf
IADInterface Agreement Document
IADInternational Amphibian Days
IADIndia/Asia Decollement
IADInband Amplitude Dispersion
IADInternet Acronym Dictionary
IADIntelligence Analysis Division (NFOIO)
IADIndustrial Aero-Derivative
IADInformation & Application Delivery
IADInventory Availability Date (AT&T)
IADIntegrated Antenna Detector
IADInventory Adjustment Document
IADInitial Advance Date
IADInternal Automatic Defibrillator (cardiology)
IADInterface Adapter Device
IADInstructor Assisted Deployement (skydiving)
IADIntegrated Acquisition Database
IADIntegrated Acoustic Display
IADInventory Adjustment Decrease
IADIslamische Akademie Deutschland eV (Germany)
IADIntranet/Intranet Application Development




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