

单词 icg
释义 DictionarySeecardiographyEncyclopediaSeeCardiography



(kard?e-og'ra-fe) [ cardio- + -graphy] The recording and study of the electrical activity of the heart.

impedance cardiography

Abbreviation: ICG
A noninvasive means of determining cardiac output in which the stroke volume of each cardiac contraction is determined by measuring beat-to-beat changes in the electrical impedance of the chest and neck. Synonym: electrical impedance plethysmography

impedance cardiography

Abbreviation: ICG
A noninvasive means of determining cardiac output in which the stroke volume of each cardiac contraction is determined by measuring beat-to-beat changes in the electrical impedance of the chest and neck. Synonym: electrical impedance plethysmographySee also: cardiography


ICGInternational Crisis Group
ICGIndian Coast Guard (India)
ICGInstitutional Clients Group (Citibank)
ICGInternational Coal Group
ICGIndocyanine Green
ICGÍndice de Competitividad Global (Spanish: Global Competitiveness Index)
ICGInstallation and Configuration Guide (various companies)
ICGInternet Capital Group (venture capital firm)
ICGInternational Computers Group
ICGIndustrial Computer Group
ICGIllinois Central Gulf (Railroad)
ICGImpedance Cardiography
ICGInternational Cinematographers Guild (labor union)
ICGInnovative Consulting Group (various locations)
ICGInternational Consulting Group (various organizations)
ICGInstitute of Careers Guidance
ICGIntermediate Capital Group PLC
ICGIntercontinental Church of God
ICGInstitute of Cosmology and Gravitation (University of Portsmouth, UK)
ICGIndividual Care Grant (Illinois State education)
ICGInternal Cash Generation
ICGInteractive Computer Graphics
ICGIslamabad College for Girls (Islamabad, Pakistan)
ICGInteragency Core Group (US DoD)
ICGInner City Games Foundation
ICGInteragency Coordination Group
ICGIndependent Coin Grading Service
ICGInteractive Course Guide
ICGIntersector Coordination Group
ICGIndustry Coordinating Group
ICGInfinity Consulting Group (New York, NY)
ICGIntegrated Command Generator
ICGInternational Commision on Glass
ICGInterface Coordination Group
ICGInterface Control Group
ICGInstitut Canadien en Grèce (Canadian Institute in Greece)
ICGInfinity Conference Group, Inc (Herndon, VA)
ICGInterviewer's Classification Guide
ICGInternational Congress of Gastroenterology




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