

H0036000 (hăm′əl-tō′nē-ən)n. Abbr. H A mathematical function that can be used to generate the equations of motion of a dynamic system, equal for many such systems to the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of the system expressed in terms of the system's coordinates and momenta treated as independent variables.
[After Sir William Rowan Hamilton (1805-1865), Irish mathematician.]


(ˌhæməlˈtəʊnɪən) physics mathsn1. (General Physics) a mathematical function of the coordinates and momenta of a system of particles used to express their equations of motion2. (General Physics) a mathematical operator that generates such a function. Symbol: H adj (General Physics) denoting or relating to Sir William Rowan Hamilton, or to the theory of mechanics or mathematical operator devised by him


(ˌhæm əlˈtoʊ ni ən)

adj. 1. pertaining to or advocating Hamiltonianism. n. 2. a supporter of Alexander Hamilton or Hamiltonianism. [1790–1800, Amer.]