apocrine miliaria

Fox-For·dyce dis·ease

(foks fōr'dīs), a chronic pruritic eruption of dry papules and distended ruptured apocrine glands, seen mostly in women, with follicular hyperkeratosis of the nipples, axillae, and pubic and sternal regions. Synonym(s): apocrine miliaria


(mil-e-ar'e-a) [L. miliaria, pert. to millet (seeds)] An inflamed papular or vesicular rash that results from obstruction of the flow of sweat from sweat glands, esp. by occlusive clothing in warm and humid conditions. miliary (mil'e-er?e), adjective


The rash often improves after the patient returns to a cooler climate or the affected area is cooled and dried.


apocrine miliaria

Fordyce-Fox disease.illustration

miliaria crystallina

A noninflammatory eruption from sweat glands marked by whitish vesicles caused by the retention of sweat in the cornified layer of the skin, appearing after profuse sweating or in certain febrile diseases. Synonym: sudamina

miliaria profunda

A form of miliaria seen almost exclusively in the tropics, frequently following attacks of miliaria rubra. The affected area is covered with pale, firm, painless papules 1 to 3 mm across. These papules do not cause itching.

miliaria rubra

Prickly heat.illustration


George Henry, U.S. dermatologist, 1846-1937. Fox-Fordyce disease - a rare chronic pruritic eruption of dry papules and distended ruptured apocrine glands, with follicular hyperkeratosis of the nipples, axillae, and pubic and sternal regions. Synonym(s): apocrine miliaria