a family that included several important Russian state figures. Descended from an ancient family of the dvo-rianstvo (nobility or gentry). Acquired the title of count in 1877.
Pavel Nikolaevich Ignat’ev. Born June 7 (18), 1797, in St. Petersburg; died there Dec. 20,1879 (Jan. 1, 1880). Adjutant general (1846), general of infantry (1859). Graduated from Moscow University in 1814.
From 1834 through 1846, Ignat’ev was director of the Corps of Pages. He was a member of the State Council from 1852. From 1854 to 1861 he was governor-general of St. Petersburg and, from 1872 to 1879, chairman of the Committee of Ministers.
Zaionchkovskii, P. A. Krizis samoderzhaviia na rubezhe 1870–1880 gg. Moscow, 1964. Chapter 5.K. P. Pobedonostsev i ego korrespondenty (letters and notes, with a preface by M. N. Pokrovskii), vol. 1 (bound together with vol. 2). Moscow-Petrograd, 1923.
Nikolai Pavlovich Ignat’ev. Born Jan. 17 (29), 1832, in St. Petersburg; died June 20 (July 3), 1908, on the estate Krupoder-nitsy, Kiev Province. Adjutant general, general of infantry (1878). Son of Pavel Nikolaevich Ignat’ev. Graduated from the Academy of the General Staff (1851).
Ignat’ev was in the diplomatic service from 1856. In 1859 he was sent as an envoy extraordinary to China. On Nov. 2 (14), 1860, he signed the Treaty of Peking. From 1861 to 1864 he was director of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and from 1864 to 1877 he was ambassador to Turkey. In February-March 1877 he was sent to Berlin, London, Paris, and Vienna in order to secure the neutrality of the European powers in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78. He took an active part in the preparation of the terms of the Treaty of San Stefano (1878), but, after the peace of San Stefano was replaced by the Treaty of Berlin (1878), which was disadvantageous for Russia, his diplomatic activity came to an end. He was minister of internal affairs in 1881–82, and in this post he was strongly influenced by the chief procurator of the Synod, K. P. Pobedonostsev. The statutes entitled On Increased Protection and Emergency were worked out with his help, and the Sviashchennaia Druzhina (Holy Host) was founded in order to struggle against the revolutionary movement. He was a member of the State Council from 1877.
“Zapiski.” Istoricheskii vestnik, 1914, vols. 135–37 (January-July).Aleksei Pavlovich Ignat’ev. Born May 22 (June 3), 1842, in Tver’, present-day Kalinin; died there Dec. 9 (22), 1906. General of the cavalry. Son of Pavel Nikolaevich Ignat’ev. Graduated from the Corps of Pages (1859) and the Academy of the General Staff (1862).
Ignat’ev was governor-general of Irkutsk from 1885 to 1889, then governor-general of Kiev, Podol’e, and Volyn’ between 1889 and 1896. He was a member of the State Council from 1896. In 1905 he was the chairman of special conferences on the protection of order in the state and on questions of religion. He opposed the convocation of the State Duma and advocated intensified police repression. The most reactionary elements of the dvorianstvo grouped around Ignat’ev. He was killed by the Socialist Revolutionary S. N. Il’inskii.
Pavel Nikolaevich Ignat’ev. Born June 30 (July 12), 1870; died in 1926 in Canada. Master of horse. Son of Nikolai Pavlovich Ignat’ev. Graduated from the University of Kiev.
From 1904, Ignat’ev was chairman of the board of the Kiev Provincial zemstvo (local self-government). He was director of the department of agriculture in 1909 and from 1912 was assistant director in chief of agriculture and land tenure. In 1915 he was minister of education. In the interests of the bourgeois development of the country, Ignat’ev attempted to carry out reforms in the secondary schools, introduce universal elementary education, and expand technical and agricultural education. The government rejected his projects, and he was forced to retire in 1916. After the October Revolution, he was an emigre.
Aleksei Alekseevich Ignat’ev. Born Mar. 2 (14), 1877, in St. Petersburg; died Nov. 20, 1954, in Moscow. Russian diplomat. Lieutenant general of the Soviet Army. Writer. Son of Aleksei Pavlovich Ignat’ev. Graduated from the Corps of Pages and the Academy of the General Staff (1902). Participant in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904—05. Military attache in Denmark, Sweden, Norway (1908–12), and France (1912–17).
After the October Revolution, Ignat’ev went over to the side of Soviet power and helped the USSR to retain the money belonging to Russia that was deposited in his name in French banks. Until 1937 he worked in the Soviet trade delegation in Paris. He returned to the USSR (1937), serving in responsible posts in the Soviet Army, in higher military schools, and in Voenizdat (the Military Publishing House). After retiring (1947), he engaged in literary activity. His memoirs (Fifty Years in the Ranks, vols. 1–2, 1959) contain interesting information on the life of the Russian army and on military-diplomatic circles of Russia and other states in the 19th and early 20th centuries.