Ignatii Vladimirovich Gromov

Gromov, Ignatii Vladimirovich


(also known as I. V. Mamonov). Born Jan. 29 (Feb. 10). 1884, in the village of Krasnoe, in present-day Pavlovsk Raion. Voronezh Oblast; died Feb. 15. 1971. in Novosibirsk. Soviet party figure. One of the leaders of the partisan movement in the Altai during the Civil War of 1918–20. Son of a peasant. Became a member of the Communist Party in 1918.

Gromov fought for the establishment of Soviet power in Kamen’-na-Obi District, where he became chairman of the district soviet. He was a delegate to the Third All-Russian Congress of Soviets in 1918. In 1919 he commanded a corps of the partisan army of E. M. Mamontov (until October 1918 he commanded a partisan detachment). In the following years he did government work in Siberia. In 1946 he began to receive a personal pension. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner, and medals.


Partizanskoe dvizhenie v Zapadnoi Sibiri (1918–1920 gg.): Dokumenty imaterialy. Novosibirsk, 1959. Page 731.
Ombysh-Kuznetsov. S. O. Povest’ o partizane Gromove. Novosibirsk. 1958.