Ignat Nekrasov
Nekrasov, Ignat Fedorovich
(I. F. Nekras). Born circa 1660; died 1737. Active participant in the Bulavin Revolt of 1707–09; one of K. A. Bulavin’s closest associates.
Nekrasov participated in the Bulavin Revolt from its very beginning and continued to carry on the struggle with tsarist troops after the revolt had been crushed. On May 13, 1708, he was sent from Cherkassk to Khoper and then, heading 5,000 insurgents, to the Volga. The siege of Saratov from May 26 to May 30 did not bring Nekrasov success, and he retreated toward Cherkassk. After Bulavin was killed and the insurgent detachments of the atamans Dranyi and Khokhlach were routed, Nekrasov assumed command of the uprising. However, the insurgents were defeated by late August 1708. Nekrasov and 2,000 cossacks crossed the Don and fled to the Kuban’. In 1709–10, Nekrasov continued to issue appeals for an uprising in the Don region, and from time to time he appeared on Ukrainian territory with detachments of insurgents. In the Kuban’ he became the leader of a unique cossack “republic.”