释义 |
Ad·dams A0079500 (ăd′əmz), Charles Samuel 1912-1988. American cartoonist known for the macabre humor and Gothic settings of his cartoons, many of which first appeared in the New Yorker.
Addams, Jane 1860-1935. American social reformer and pacifist who founded Hull House (1889), a care and education center for the poor of Chicago. She shared the 1931 Nobel Peace Prize.Addams (ˈædəmz) n (Biography) Jane. 1860–1935, US social reformer, feminist, and pacifist, who founded Hull House, a social settlement in Chicago: Nobel peace prize 1931Ad•dams (ˈæd əmz) n. Jane, 1860–1935, U.S. social worker: Nobel peace prize 1931. AddamsenUS
Addams Jane. 1860--1935, US social reformer, feminist, and pacifist, who founded Hull House, a social settlement in Chicago: Nobel peace prize 1931 AddamsCharles (1912— ) famed cartoonist of the macabre. [Am. Comics: NCE, 19]See: HorrorLegalSeeAddams, JaneADDAMS
Acronym | Definition |
ADDAMS➣Automated Dredging and Disposal Alternatives Modeling System (US Army Corps of Engineers software program) |