

suff.1. a. Condition; state; quality: manhood.b. An instance of a specified state or quality: falsehood.2. A group sharing a specified state or quality: sisterhood.
[Middle English -hed, -hode, from Old English *-hǣdu, -hād.]


suffix forming nouns 1. indicating state or condition of being: manhood; adulthood. 2. indicating a body of persons: knighthood; priesthood. [Old English -hād]



n., v. hood•ed, hood•ing. n. 1. a soft or flexible covering for the head and neck, either separate or attached to a cloak, coat, etc. 2. something resembling this, esp. in shape, as certain petals or sepals. 3. the hinged movable part of an automobile body covering the engine. 4. a metal canopy for a stove, ventilator, etc. 5. a cover for the entire head of a falcon, used when the bird is not pursuing game. 6. an ornamental ruffle or fold on the back of the shoulders of an academic gown, jurist's robe, etc. 7. a hoodlike crest, band of color or fold of skin on the head of certain birds and animals. v.t. 8. to furnish with a hood. 9. to cover with or as if with a hood. [before 900; Middle English hode, Old English hōd, c. Old Frisian hōd, Middle Dutch hoet, Old High German huot]


(hʊd, hud)

n. Slang. a hoodlum. [1925–30; by shortening]


n. Slang. a neighborhood, esp. one in the inner city (usu. prec. by the). [1965–70; by shortening]



n. 1. John Bell, 1831–79, Confederate general. 2. Raymond Mathewson, 1881–1934, U.S. architect. 3. Robin, Robin Hood. 4. Thomas, 1799–1845, English poet and humorist. 5. Mount, a volcanic peak in N Oregon, in the Cascade Range. 11,253 ft. (3430 m).


a noun suffix denoting condition, character, etc., or a body of persons of a particular character or class: childhood; priesthood. [Middle English -hode, -hod, Old English -hād, as independent n.: condition, quality, rank; c. Old Saxon hēd, Old High German heit state, Old Norse heithr honor, Gothic haidus manner]