释义 |
hemihypesthesia hemihypesthesia [hem″e-hi″pes-the´zhah] diminished sensitivity on one side of the body.hem·i·hy·pes·the·si·a (hem'ē-hī'pes-thē'zē-ă), Diminished sensibility in one side of the body. Synonym(s): hemihypoesthesia [hemi- + G. hypo, under, + aesthēses, sensation] hem·i·hyp·es·the·si·a (hem'ē-hīp'es-thē'zē-ă) Diminished sensibility in one side of the body. Synonym(s): hemihypaesthesia. [hemi- + G. hypo, under, + aesthēsis, sensation]hem·i·hyp·es·the·si·a (hem'ē-hīp'es-thē'zē-ă) Diminished sensibility involving only one side of the body. Synonym(s): hemihypaesthesia. [hemi- + G. hypo, under, + aesthēses, sensation] |