释义 |
hemihypotonia hemihypotonia [hem″e-hi″po-to´ne-ah] diminished muscle tone on one side of the body.hem·i·hy·po·to·ni·a (hem'ē-hī'pō-tō'nē-ă), Partial loss of muscular tonicity on one side of the body. [hemi- + G. hypo, under, + tonos, tone] hem·i·hy·po·to·ni·a (hem'ē-hī-pō-tō'nē-ă) Partial loss of muscular tonicity on one side of the body. [hemi- + G. hypo, under, + tonos, tone]hem·i·hy·po·to·ni·a (hem'ē-hī-pō-tō'nē-ă) Partial loss of muscular tonicity on one side of the body. [hemi- + G. hypo, under, + tonos, tone] |