

 [bak´ter-id] a skin eruption due to bacterial infection elsewhere in the body.


(bak'ter-id), 1. A recurrent or persistent eruption of discrete sterile pustules of the palms and soles, thought to be an allergic response to bacterial infection at a remote site. 2. A dissemination of a previously localized bacterial skin infection. [bacteria + -id (1)]


(1) An “id” reaction attributed to bacteria elsewhere in the body. 
(2) A bacterial dermatitis.


(bak'tĕr-id) 1. A recurrent or persistent eruption of discrete sterile pustules of the palms and soles, thought to be an allergic response to bacterial infection at a remote site. 2. A dissemination of a previously localized bacterial skin infection. [bacteria + -id (1)]


(bak'tĕr-id) 1. A recurrent or persistent eruption of discrete sterile pustules of the palms and soles, thought to be an allergic response to bacterial infection at a remote site. 2. A dissemination of a previously localized bacterial skin infection. [bacteria + -id (1)]