Haydar Amu-Ogly

Haydar Amu-Ogly


(also Haydar Khan Amu-ogly, Tariver-diev). Born Dec. 20, 1880, in Urmia (now Rezaiyeh); died Oct. 15, 1921, near Fouman. Figure in the Iranian working-class and national liberation movements.

In 1886, Haydar moved with his family to Russia. An electrician by profession, he joined the RSDLP in 1898. From 1900 to 1903 he worked as a technician in Baku. In 1903 he returned to Iran, where he worked at an electric power station in Meshed and, later, in Tehran. In 1905, Haydar formed the first Social Democratic circle in Tehran. He played an active role in the Iranian Revolution of 1905–11. After the defeat of the revolution he emigrated first to Iraq and then to Western Europe. After the February Revolution of 1917 in Russia he came to Petrograd. In November 1920, Haydar became general secretary of the Central Committee of the Iranian Communist Party. In May 1921 he succeeded in restoring a united front of Communists and other anti-imperialist forces in the Gilan Republic (1920–21).

Haydar and his comrades, upon arriving at the hamlet of Pasikhan to take part in a meeting of the Revolutionary Committee, were treacherously slain by order of Kuchik Khan, who had invited them there.


Agakhi, A. M. Rasprostranenie idei marksizma-leninizma v Irane. Baku, 1961. Pages 27–28.
Ivanova, M. N. Natsional’no-osvoboditel’noe dvizhenie v Irane v 1918–1922 gg. Moscow, 1961.
Tari-Verdy, M. A., and A. I. Mageramov. “Haidar-khan Amuogly.” Narody Azii i Afriki, 1971, no. 5.