Industrial Production Personnel

Industrial Production Personnel


in the USSR, the scheduled workers of enterprises in industry or other economic sectors who participate directly in the production process or provide services for the production activity of an enterprise.

Industrial production personnel consist of workers employed in main production shops and auxiliary shops and those engaged in the major and current repair of equipment and means of transportation. They include workers employed in subordinate shops and in enterprises using the by-products of the main production processes (logging and peat-extracting enterprises, quarries, packaging shops, printing shops), workers operating electric power and heat systems and substations, and workers employed in transportation shops included in the enterprise’s budget and serving production. Also classified in this category are workers employed in loading and unloading and accompanying freight to destination points, workers employed in launching a production process from the moment that the enterprise (or shop) begins operation, and workers employed at sewage treatment plants serving production. Finally, industrial production personnel include a plant’s administrative staff and those employed in laboratories serving production, in experimental research projects, in design offices and bureaus, and in computer centers.

For purposes of planning and accounting, industrial production personnel are subdivided into several categories depending on the functions performed: production workers, engineering and technical personnel, office workers, apprentices, junior service personnel, and an enterprise’s guards. The average annual growth in the number of production workers and engineering and technical personnel has exceeded the increase in the other categories of industrial production personnel. Whereas in 1940 production workers and engineering and technical personnel accounted for 83 percent of all industrial production personnel, by 1973 the proportion of such workers had risen to 93.3 percent. The indexes of labor productivity are determined on the basis of the average number of scheduled industrial production personnel and production volume (gross, market, and net output).


“Tipovaia instruktsiia po statistike chislennosti i fonda zarabotnoi platy rabochikh i sluzhashchikh na predpriiatiiakh, v uchrezhdeniiakh i organizatsiiakh No. 10–80: Utvershdena TsSU SSSR 19 iiunia 1973 g. po soglasovaniiu s Goskomtrudom, Gosplanom SSSR, Minfinom SSSR, Gosbankom SSSR i VTsSPS.” Biulleten’ normalivnykh aktov Minislerslv i vedomstv SSSR, 1974, no. 4.