inguinal fossa

lat·er·al in·gui·nal fos·sa

[TA] a depression on the peritoneal surface of the anterior abdominal wall lateral to the ridge formed by the inferior epigastric artery; it corresponds to the position of the deep inguinal ring, and is the site of an indirect inguinal hernia. Synonym(s): fossa inguinalis lateralis [TA]

inguinal fossa

One of two vertical valleys in the peritoneum along each side of the anterior abdominal wall. The medial inguinal fossa is the depression between the medial and lateral umbilical folds; direct inguinal hernias typically protrude through the abdominal wall in the lower end of this fossa. The lateral inguinal fossa is the depression lateral to the lateral umbilical fold; the lower end of this fossa becomes the deep inguinal ring, the internal end of the inguinal canal. See also: fossa